Daily Sugar Price

Thursday, 9 March 2023

The March 2023 contract settled at:  20.88 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 65.89 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$694 for May Contract 2023 season

$694 for 2022 season

$658 for 2023 season

 $579 for 2024 season    

 $529 for 2025 season

 $497 for 2026 season

The figures quoted above are indicative of available ICE 11 prices as at the current date and reflect the weighted average AUD/tonnes gross actual price. The prices have been adjusted to include Over-the-Counter (OTC) margin fees charged by banking institutions and, therefore, may differ from daily prices quoted by the ICE #11 Exchange and/or other Marketers of Growers’ Economic Interest in Sugar (GEI Sugar). Values also do not account for any adjustments resulting from local grower-miller pricing arrangements. The Target Price Contract price currently reflects a 0:3:2:1 pricing ratio for the 2022 Season across the four applicable futures contracts, and a 1:2:2:1 ratio in the 2023, 2024 and 2025 Seasons.

Queensland Care Consortium grants open to support the health and community services workforce

Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development

The Honourable Di Farmer

Queensland Care Consortium grants open to support the health and community services workforce

  • The Palaszczuk Government has put $750,000 towards grants funding for a variety of organisations to take on projects to meet the gaps in local workforce planning and development, as a part of it’s almost $2 million three-year package.
  • The funding is available through the newly formed Queensland Care Consortium (QCC) which supports the development of the health and community services workforce and will seek to develop and deliver practical workforce solution driven by industry, for industry.
  • Round one funding applications are open until 24 March 2023.

The Palaszczuk Government has chartered new territory putting $750,000 in grants funding on the table in 2022-23 for not-for-profit community organisations, industry organisations, an enterprise or group of enterprises to design and implement projects to meet the gaps in local workforce planning and development for these sectors.

The funding, part of an almost $2 million three-year package, is available through the newly formed Queensland Care Consortium (QCC) which supports the development of the health and community services workforce.

This is the first time Queensland Care Consortium grants have been made available.

The QCC is a partnership between Jobs Queensland, CheckUP Australia, the Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA), Queensland Council of Social Services (QCOSS) and The Services Union.

Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer officially launched Queensland Care Consortium today.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development Di Farmer:

“Queensland has proven to be Australia’s employment powerhouse, leading the nation in job creation.

“The Queensland Care Consortium will help address key workforce issues impacting the Queensland health and community services sectors, including the growing demand for workers in human services and the need to attract and retain a skilled workforce.

“The launch of the Queensland Care Consortium demonstrates the strong collaboration between industry, the Palaszczuk government and community to address workforce issues and drive solutions.

“Linked to the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy, this is the first time funding of this kind has been made available to the health and community services sectors to create and implement sector-led workforce development, attraction and retention strategies, and help address sector workforce issues.

“Queensland’s Workforce Strategy will drive us towards opportunities with a clear vision — a strong and diverse workforce ready to seize today’s jobs and adapt to future opportunities.

 “For the work that has been done already, I want to thank our key industry, community and education partners and I encourage stakeholders to apply for the Queensland Care Consortium grants to come up with innovative workforce solutions.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Communities and Housing Leeanne Enoch:

“We know the demand for community care and human services is growing each year,” she said.

“The Queensland Government is committed to supporting innovative, community-driven projects that respond to specific needs, where they are delivered.”

“This funding, through the Queensland Care Consortium, for the health and community services sectors will support the sector to build their capability and capacity; and to develop and nurture sustainable local solutions.”

“Community-led and place-based approaches are highly effective and will help the workforce respond to local issues.”

Quotes attributable to Jobs Queensland Board Chair Donna Bonney:

“According to Jobs Queensland’s Anticipating Future Skills Series, by 2024-25 it is projected that the Queensland Health and Community Services sectors will employ more than 440,800 people,” she said.

“The challenge now, for almost all employers, is attracting, developing and retaining a skilled workforce in a tight labour market.”

“Jobs Queensland is the delivery partner for the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy key action to partner with health and community services sectors to create and implement sector-led workforce development, attraction and retention strategies,” she said.

“The Queensland Care Consortium will support these sectors to plan, develop and deliver practical workforce solutions driven by industry, for industry.”

“Round one funding applications are now open to not-for-profit community organisations, industry organisations, an enterprise, or a group of enterprises, to work together and implement place-based workforce development, attraction and retention, or skilling activities that address current and future workforce gaps.”

“We’re looking forward to seeing what new and innovative projects will be developed and implemented to meet the gaps in local workforce planning, attraction, retention and development efforts for these sectors, and sharing the outcomes of these activities across the sector”.

Explainer/fast fact and or further information:

More information about the Queensland Care Consortium and project funding can be found at www.jobsqueensland.qld.gov.au/qcc.

Successful applicants of the project funding will be advised from late April 2023.


Media contacts:

Minister Farmer – Nicola Field 0497 940 285

Daily Sugar Price

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

The March 2023 contract settled at:  21.02 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 65.84 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$699 for May Contract 2023 season

$699 for 2022 season 

$661 for 2023 season

   $578 for 2024 season      

  $527 for 2025 season

  $494 for 2026 season

The figures quoted above are indicative of available ICE 11 prices as at the current date and reflect the weighted average AUD/tonnes gross actual price. The prices have been adjusted to include Over-the-Counter (OTC) margin fees charged by banking institutions and, therefore, may differ from daily prices quoted by the ICE #11 Exchange and/or other Marketers of Growers’ Economic Interest in Sugar (GEI Sugar). Values also do not account for any adjustments resulting from local grower-miller pricing arrangements. The Target Price Contract price currently reflects a 0:3:2:1 pricing ratio for the 2022 Season across the four applicable futures contracts, and a 1:2:2:1 ratio in the 2023, 2024 and 2025 Seasons.

Palaszczuk Government injects $7.5 million into booming aquaculture industry

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities

The Honourable Mark Furner

Palaszczuk Government injects $7.5 million into booming aquaculture industry

  • Minister announces $7.5 million aquaculture investment
  • Half the funding to boost research, development and extension
  • New report shows Qld has hit record aquaculture production of $225M
  • Townsville aquaculture jobs double from 109 to 218
  • Palaszczuk Govt investment and land releases enable industry growth

The Palaszczuk Government will invest an additional $7.5 million into Queensland’s booming aquaculture industry.

Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Minister Mark Furner announced the significant investment at the Ornatas Toomulla Beach Aquaculture Facility today.

The funding will include $3.8 million for research, development and extension activities, $1.5 million for industry development, a $1.1 million program to improve regulation and technical guidance, and $1 million to establish an aquaculture incubator.

It comes as the latest Ross Lobegeiger Report shows the Palaszczuk Government’s strong support for aquaculture is paying dividends for North Queensland, with the number of jobs for Townsville in the booming industry doubling.

The report shows the number of full-time equivalent aquaculture jobs in the Townsville region have rocketed to 218 in 2021-22 – up from 109 in 2020-21.

The Palaszczuk Government has overseen a Queensland aquaculture revolution that has increased the value of the industry by more than $100 million in the three years from 2018-19.

The industry has grown to a record value of $224.7 million in 2021-22, up from the previous record of $193.5 million in 2020-21.

In 2021-22, aquaculture employed the full-time equivalent of 889 Queenslanders, up from 786 the previous financial year.

Quotes attributable to Les Walker, Member for Mundingburra:

“The Palaszczuk Government has attracted this major investment by Ornatas to Townsville, and it’s fantastic to be here at their facility to see the great work they are doing and the jobs they’re creating.

“This is a business that is supporting 30 good, local jobs for Townsville, and it is continuing to grow.

Quotes attributable to Member for Thuringowa, Aaron Harper:

“It’s great to see local aquaculture booming off the back of Palaszczuk Government actions like solid investment, strong biosecurity protections and a focus on sustainable production.

“The Townsville aquaculture industry was worth $19.4 million in the last financial year and is continuing to employ more and more locals.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner:

“From lobster, to redclaw crayfish and barramundi, North Queensland’s aquaculture industry is the ‘reel’ deal, and it’s continuing to attract new investment.

“This $7.5 million Palaszczuk Government investment will mean more industry development and more guidance for our aquaculture businesses.

“Under the Palaszczuk Government, Queensland aquaculture has grown from a fingerling to a big fish.

“We’ve declared more than 9000 hectares of Aquaculture Development Areas across eight land parcels in the last four years.

“We want Queensland to be the aquaculture capital of the world, and our investment will help us to further partner with industry and grow the already world-class reputation of Queensland seafood.”

Quotes attributable to Ornatas CEO Scott Parkinson:

“Ornatas is commercialising world first science and breeding technology for the production and export of premium Tropical Rock Lobsters, building a whole new industry for Australia in lobster aquaculture, starting right here in Queensland.

“Ornatas has invested over $30 million dollars in regional Queensland recognising the proactive Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Palaszczuk Government’s ambitions to significantly grow aquaculture in the state.

“Ornatas has strong industry and research partnerships, an expanding commercial lobster hatchery, including a newly commissioned lobster nursery with the capacity to produce 100,000 lobsters for our grow out operation.

“The next 18 months will see the expansion of our pilot grow out facilities to a commercial farming scale, ready to sell into Asian markets with ever growing demand for premium seafood from sustainable sources.”

Quotes attributable to Ornatas Hatchery and Research & Development Manager Jennifer Blair:

“Only 4 years into our journey we have a highly skilled and diverse team of 30 people working at Ornatas.

“It’s International Women’s Day today, and we are very proud that 50% of our staff are women, operating in a range of different areas of the business.”


You can access the 2021-22 Lobegeiger Report here

Media contact: Bryce Heaton 0427 781 920

PREMIER’S SPEECH – What the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan means for NQ

Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk

PREMIER’S SPEECH – What the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan means for NQ


Thank you to Townsville Enterprise for hosting today’s lunch.

Over the years, you’ve heard plenty of people talk about developing Northern Australia.

There was a lot of talk about the NAIF but very little to show for it.

But what I am about to tell you represents the biggest investment in this region. Ever.

And the greatest opportunity since John Campbell Miles’ mineral discoveries at Mount Isa.

Those discoveries Copper, Lead, Zinc, have forged the wealth of this State through the past century, making possible the emergence of technologies like electricity and the telephone.

But, waiting for us right now, lies the mineral riches and resources that will carry us into a new century:

  • Vanadium
  • Cobalt, high purity alumina and graphite for electric vehicle batteries
  • Hydrogen

The rare earths the world demands for clean energy and new technology.

But this time, Queenslanders will not just mine these resources.

They will use them to manufacture.

The batteries.

The solar panels.

The factories.

The jobs.

The training.

The future itself will be built and remain in North Queensland.

North Queensland the economic powerhouse of Northern Australia.

At your seats you have our local North Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

And for the next few minutes I am going to explain exactly how we will make this happen together.


It is a very exciting day for Townsville and North Queensland.

We are here today at the epicentre of Queensland’s renewable manufacturing future.

On Townsville’s doorstep sits the largest renewable energy zone in Australia with potential capacity of more than 25 gigawatts of wind and solar energy.

And on the other side of that vast renewable energy zone sits the North West Minerals Province.

With world class deposits of the critical minerals the world needs for the clean energy industrial revolution.

I don’t just want to see critical minerals mined in Queensland with renewable energy.

I want to see those minerals processed in North Queensland.

That means batteries and renewable technologies made right here.

This means more good, secure jobs.

Opportunity is nothing without a plan and our government has a clear plan to make this happen.

In Queensland we create our own history and our success by building and investing in our regions.

By moving first – out ahead of the world.

Just as we did when we opened up the Bowen Basin.

It takes government investment to make it happen.
Today we are announcing the largest economic development project ever in Northern Australia.


Today I am announcing that our government will deliver CopperString to provide affordable, renewable energy to open up the North West Minerals Province.

The 1,100 kilometre $5 billion expanded CopperString project will be 100 per cent government owned.

And today we announce a $500 million down payment from our coal royalties fund going directly into this project today.

CopperString will be the largest expansion to the power grid in the nation.

It will connect to the nation’s largest renewable energy zone and the world class North West Minerals Province.

Powerlink will lead work on the project with the support of the CopperString team who founded this project.
We are moving quickly.

Early works will start on CopperString this year and construction will commence next year.

800 direct jobs will be supported during six years of construction and another 50 ongoing operations and maintenance jobs.

The expanded project will include a higher capacity 500-kilovolt line from Townsville to Hughenden to connect into the largest renewable energy resource in the nation.

This power transmission line is the largest built since the interconnector.

Those resources at Hughenden will include the proposed 10 gigawatt North Queensland Super Hub and the 3 gigawatt Mount James Wind Farm.

From Hughenden a 330-kilovolt line will deliver affordable renewable energy to the North West Minerals Province with 220 kilovolts from Cloncurry to Mount Isa.

CopperString is the most significant investment in economic infrastructure in North Queensland since the railways.

Connecting the North West Minerals Province with the national electricity market.

By providing access to reliable, affordable and renewable power, CopperString opens up Queensland for the next resources boom in critical minerals.

With estimated benefits of an additional $133 billion in mining production and thousands of jobs in North and North West Queensland.

A resources boom that will mine critical minerals and will process those minerals with renewable energy.

CopperString opens up an entire new supply chain from Mount Isa through to Townsville to manufacture renewable technologies with renewable energy.

To make flow batteries from minerals mined and processed in North Queensland.

To process materials needed in lithium batteries in North Queensland.

To make renewables in North Queensland.

Bob Galyen who helped establish the largest battery manufacturer in the world was in Brisbane just last week advising our battery companies.

When asked what the single most important factor for investment in battery factories is his answer was clear, energy. And also crucial is access to raw materials.

Queensland has the copper, cobalt, vanadium, zinc, bauxite and rare earths needed for the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and to support our trading partners.

It’s estimated that there are over $500 billion dollars of known critical minerals in the North West Minerals Province.


Copper and critical minerals are the oil of the 21st century.

The International Energy Agency estimates that the value of clean energy investment will exceed oil by 2030.

This investment is starting right now.

The United States are investing A$520 billion in clean manufacturing under the Inflation Reduction Act.

And the European Union have just announced the start of an EU Green Industrial Plan to match support for clean energy manufacturing.

We are in the midst of a global clean energy arms race.


A race that is driving unprecedented demand for critical minerals that are mined sustainably and processed with renewable energy.

That’s why in addition to delivering CopperString we are building the nation’s first $75 million critical minerals demonstration plant in Townsville.


The starting focus of this facility will be on processing vanadium.

Five years ago when I talked about vanadium I received some puzzled looks.

Very few people had heard of vanadium outside the steel industry.

Now vanadium flow battery factories are under development in the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria.

Global vanadium demand is forecast to rise by over 100 per cent by 2030.

As the cost of lithium rises from demand for electric vehicles vanadium is becoming a preferred alternative for large grid batteries.

North West Queensland has known world class deposits of vanadium with the potential to both supply the nation and our strategic trade partners.

That’s why our government is backing the industry to invest.

Today I can advise that Vecco will build a $26 million vanadium electrolyte manufacturing facility right here in Townsville.

The first vanadium battery electrolyte facility in the nation with production commencing later this year.

The facility will employ 21 people and produce enough electrolyte for 175 megawatt hours growing to 350 megawatt hours of storage annually.

When Vecco’s Julia Creek vanadium mine is operational this processing facility will use Queensland vanadium.

And there’s more.

It was announced earlier today that Queensland vanadium company QEM will partner with Sun Metals to produce vanadium electrolyte in Townsville, sourced from industrial waste.

These projects are the next steps towards making vanadium batteries in Townsville.

When it comes to flow batteries the opportunities extend beyond vanadium.


Work is already underway between ESI and Cleveland Bay Chemical Company in Townsville to deliver battery materials from locally sourced critical minerals.

With the potential for battery materials from Townsville to go into Queensland made iron flow batteries.

ESI are currently developing a battery manufacturing facility in Maryborough and are considering a second facility here in Townsville from the demand out of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

And there’s more.


Today I can confirm that our government will declare the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct as a prescribed project to fast-track approvals.

I want to recognise the vision of Townsville City Council Mayor Jenny Hill to make Lansdown a reality working incredibly closely with the Deputy Premier.  A great partnership formed for this project.

The Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct has the potential to support 5,000 jobs during construction and an estimated 1,600 direct ongoing jobs.

Already six companies have signed on to be part of the precinct including to progress renewable hydrogen and advanced battery manufacturing.

One of those companies is Queensland Pacific Metals.

Today I am further announcing that Queensland Pacific Metals have received Significant Investment Project status for their Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub at Lansdown.

That will support their project to supply cobalt and nickel battery materials to General Motors for electric vehicles.

And it follows the announcement yesterday that Export Development Canada have increased debt financing for this project to $400 million.

That’s a lot of investment announcements in just one week.


The Townsville critical minerals demonstration plant will support the extraction of other resources as well including high purity alumina needed in electric vehicle batteries.

Queensland has the potential to become a major global supplier of high purity alumina with growing demand for both batteries and LEDs.

We all have sapphire glass made from high purity alumina covering our phone cameras.

And the Townsville critical minerals plant will help develop other rare earths needed in advanced electronics.


The opportunities don’t stop there.

The supply of renewable energy into Townsville will power renewable hydrogen production and broader renewables manufacturing.

That includes Edify Energy’s project to build a one gigawatt green hydrogen production plant with support from the German-Australian Hydrogen Innovation and Technology Incubator.

Sun Metals are also developing a hydrogen electrolyser at the SunHQ Hydrogen Hub to power hydrogen trucks.


And it’s not just batteries and hydrogen.

There is further future potential to use high purity quartz and silicon from North Queensland to support solar manufacturing.

The Australian Silicon Action Plan has identified North Queensland as a potential location for silicon production for use in making solar and semiconductors.

CopperString is a key enabler for all these new jobs from making vanadium batteries, to processing minerals for lithium batteries, to making renewable hydrogen through to manufacturing renewable technologies.


These new jobs mean we need to train our young people to seize on these incredible opportunities for this region.

We are committed to local skills for local jobs.

That’s why just yesterday we started construction on a major expansion of two new facilities at the Bohle TAFE campus:

– A new $12.5 million Renewable Energy Training Facility; and
– A $4.7 million Advanced Manufacturing Skills Lab

And I was proud to not only hold our Regional Cabinet meeting out there yesterday but to also turn the sod on these new facilities.

Facilities that will offer over 20 new skill sets, certificates, and diploma qualifications in emerging renewable industries.

The skills that will be needed as North Queensland emerges as a clean energy powerhouse.


Friends, the race is now on to secure clean energy supply chains.

In North Queensland we have the sun and wind energy above the ground combined with the enormous critical minerals below the ground to be a renewable energy superpower.

And most importantly we have our people – Queenslanders – and our regions.

Regions that were built up to export the minerals that have supported the world to industrialise.

Regions that now stand at the centre of a new wave of investment for the clean energy industrial revolution.

CopperString, the SuperGrid and the Townsville critical minerals demonstration plant will act as a magnet for investment.

And a magnet for thousands of new secure jobs in manufacturing with renewable energy.

Our Government’s vision is backed by the Townsville City Council’s plans for the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct and the Federal Government’s hydrogen hub.

Crucially it is backed by industry and the business community and most importantly by the local and regional communities in North and North West Queensland.

The 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will work alongside our investment in CopperString to showcase North Queensland to the world as the place to invest.
Today I’m announcing that CopperString 2.0 will be renamed CopperString 2032.

As we work towards the Olympics we want to showcase to the world that all of Queensland will share in the benefits of 2032.

We always work best when we work together.

Townsville is indeed an economic powerhouse.

And by working together North Queensland’s best days are well and truly ahead of us.