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Dear Kalamia Members,

Extension of Email Changeover for Members

Kalamia members are reminded to take advantage of KCGO’s new and innovative website – Kalamia Cane Grower’s Information Hub.

KCGO has extended the email changeover process until further notice but encourage all KCGO members to register to view the exclusive members information through the website.


REMINDER NOTICE – BDCG Representative Authority Form Return

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Dear Kalamia Members,

BDCG Authority Form Return

On the 23rd September, all members received an email regarding the CSA Update with an attached link to a BDCG Authority Form for members to sign if you desire to enter into a CSA with Wilmar Sugar utilising the BDCG Collective CSA.

Please click on link below to view and print the BDCG Authority Form.

A reminder to all members this authority form is required to be returned to the Kalamia Cane Grower’s office by Friday, 30th September 2016.

We kindly ask for members to keep to this due date for return.

Thank you for your time. It is greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The October 2016 contract settled at:

22.63 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

76.96 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$654 for 2016 season

$599 for 2017 season

$533 for 2018 season

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