REMINDER – Meeting with the Honourable Barnaby Joyce MP, Mr George Christensen MP, Mr Tim Nicholls MP and Mr Dale Last MP – Sunday 19 February 2017 at 1 pm at the Burdekin Theatre

 Please attend the meeting if you are able.  It is important that the Deputy Prime Minister can report to Cabinet that this ongoing dispute with Wilmar Sugar is unacceptable and needs resolution.  It is an opportunity for growers to present their position and counter Wilmar Sugar’s lobbying. 

 We are seeking to present that growers are reasonable; we are seeking a fair and reasonable CSA with Wilmar Sugar and for growers to have access to QSL or any other marketer without the restrictions Wilmar Sugar is seeking to impose.  The growers are not being unreasonable, it is Wilmar Sugar’s conduct that is unacceptable.

 We are seeking growers to support this meeting to make it a constructive discussion with the Deputy PM, Tim Nicolls, George Christensen and Dale Last, the people who can influence the outcome of this matter.

Friday, 17 February 2017

The October 2016 contract settled at:

20.36 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

76.94 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$583 for 2016 season

$573 for 2017 season

$526 for 2018 season

$502 for 2019 season