Friday, 26 May 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

15.64 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

74.54 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$475 for 2017 season

$484 for 2018 season

$477 for 2019 season

$464 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.



Steve Postma of Wilmar has advised feedback from growers indicates that a continuous supply of suitable quality cane is not likely to be available until the second half of the week ending Saturday 17 June. This is very early feedback from a small number of growers. Cane supply will be reviewed by Wilmar weekly until the crushing starts.

 Based on this feedback Wilmar is currently planning to have all factories ready to crush on 13 June, though actual start dates may be later. Plans will be reviewed as Wilma gets better feedback on field conditions.

 In order to try to firm up dates as soon as Wilmar can, Logistics Officers will be ringing harvesting groups next week to start gauging when ground conditions will be good enough for a start. We encourage all growers to discuss field conditions with their contractors.”

 Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary

Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd

Kalagro Ltd

140 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807

PO Box 597 Ayr Qld 4807

Tel:  07 4783 1312  Fax: 07 4783 3885

Mob: 0447 128 312

Email: [email protected]