Smartcane BMP and Bonsurco accreditation


“Dear Grower


The recently executed Collective Cane Supply Agreement contains a provision within Schedule 4 Clause 11 (pages 77/78) for an incentive payment to encourage growers to become accredited for Smartcane BMP as well as Bonsucro. Extract from CSA is reproduced below:

11 Smartcane BMP adoption and Bonsucro accreditation

(a) The Parties recognise the increasing expectations of customers and society generally in relation to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Parties also acknowledge the Smartcane Best Management Practice (BMP) program and Bonsucro accreditation as the appropriate pathway for demonstrating sound environmental stewardship and social responsibility across the raw sugar value chain.

(b) To encourage the rapid uptake of Smartcane BMP and Bonsucro accreditation, the Mill Owner will make available the following one-off incentive payments to the Grower:

(i) A payment of 15 cents per tonne, subject to paragraph 11(b)(ii) of this schedule 4, for all Cane Delivery Tonnes in the Relevant Season in which the Grower first achieves Smartcane BMP accreditation for all three of the core Smartcane BMP modules:

(A) Module 1 – Soil Health and Nutrition Management;

(B) Module 2 – Irrigation and Drainage Management; and

(C) Module 3 – Weed, Pest and Disease management.

(ii) Regardless of the number of cane supply agreements to which the Grower is a party, a cap of 25,000 tonnes of cane per legal entity (ABN/ACN) will apply to Grower payments pursuant to paragraph 11(b)(i) of this schedule 4. (For clarity, and by way of example, if the Grower is a party to two or more cane supply agreements under the same ABN number, the maximum aggregate total of tonnes from the applicable farms to which an incentive payment under this schedule 4 can be made is 25,000 tonnes. The same limit applies if the Grower holds only one cane supply agreement under a single ABN).

(iii) A payment of 10 cents per tonne for all Bonsucro accredited Cane Delivery Tonnes in the Relevant Season in which the Grower is first awarded Bonsucro accreditation after: read more

Monday, 10 July 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

14.13 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

76.02 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$406 for OCT Contract 2017 season

$426 for MAR Contract 2017 season

$427 for MAY Contract 2017 season

$440 for 2018 season

$452 for 2019 season

$451 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.

Friday, 7 July 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

13.84 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

75.86 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$400 for OCT Contract 2017 season

$421 for MAR Contract 2017 season

$422 for MAY Contract 2017 season

$434 for 2018 season

$446 for 2019 season

$445 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

13.67 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

76.03 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$394 for OCT Contract 2017 season

$416 for MAR Contract 2017 season

$417 for MAY Contract 2017 season

$431 for 2018 season

$446 for 2019 season

$447 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.