Yesterday we posted to our webpage voting paper for Burdekin and voting process Q & A in relation to QSL Grower Representative members election required to be held due to the number of nominees.

Fully completed and signed voting papers must be lodged with QSL Company Secretary by no later than 5.00pm, Friday 18th August 2017. Voting papers can be returned via post, fax, email or in person.

Please ensure you are familiar with important instructions within voting paper to ensure your vote will count.

Your board director and previous QSL grower representative, Mr Denis Pozzebon, is one of the nominees.

Any growers who require assistance please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

The October 2017 contract settled at:

14.79 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

79.68 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$408 for OCT Contract 2017 season

$428 for MAR Contract 2017 season

$432 for MAY Contract 2017 season

$445 for 2018 season

$453 for 2019 season

$450 for 2020 season

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