Burdekin Shire Council Feral Pig Workshop

Please find attached a flyer for Burdekin Shire Councils Feral Pig Workshop, to be held on Friday 9th March 2018 at Burdekin PCYC.

This workshop is for all landholders with Feral pig issues especially those pressed for time on the land will appreciate the latest technology in wireless pig traps with Southern Cross Trapping.

Council and Biosecurity Queensland will update the audience on services and obligations of landholders.

Burdekin Productivity Services and Conservation and Wildlife Management Queensland will give landholders options with their knowledge and services and NQ Dry Tropics will give an overview of collaborative NRM in the Burdekin

thumbnail of Feral Pig Workshop Flyer

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

The May 2018 contract settled at:

13.43 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

78.55 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$374 for MAY Contract – 2017 season

$394 for 2018 season

$418 for 2019 season

$421 for 2020 season

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