Wilmar – Study Tour Travel Details Update – Thailand

Wilmar Invitation – Study Tour Travel Details Update – Thailand

Please refer to our previous post on 4th March 2019.

Updated itinerary has now been provided by Wilmar for members information.

Cost to members who are interested in participating in tour remains at $2000. However please be aware domestic flights from/to Townsville displayed in itinerary are to be met by members or you may wish to take alternate flights that are more suitable.

Additional information:

• International Carrier – Thai Airways
• Accommodation – Single rooms (non-share)

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Itinerary – Thailand trip April 2019 (2)

(click to view full size)

QSL Announce New Managed Pool


QSL has introduced a new 3-Season Actively Managed Pool to its line-up of managed pool options available for the coming season.

Members are reminded that you have until 30th April 2019 to finalise your nominations to QSL’s managed pools and self-managed pricing products for the 2019 Season.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Burdekin Update – 20190307

Daily Sugar Price – 7 March 2019

Thursday, 7 March 2019

The March 2019 contract settled at: 12.16 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 70.32 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$378 for MAY Contract – 2018 season

*$378 for 2018 season

*For Growers who have chosen to roll 2018-Season
exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be
inclusive of roll costs incurred (currently $13.91/t)

$405 for 2019 season

$4353for 2020 season

$443 for 2021 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.