Nufarm Suscon Accreditation – Burdekin Region


Nufarm is rolling out a comprehensive suSCon maxi Intel Stewardship program encompassing technical and application training in 2019. There is no cost to participants in attending . Attendees sit a short exam after the presentations and are issued an Accreditation number which growers will be able to use to receive a rebate on purchases via Nufarm’s website. Session scheduling for the Burdekin is as follows. Resellers will be in attendance however participation is open to growers who use/may use this product.

Date Time Town Group Venue Meal
Wed 27th March 7.00-9.00am Ayr Ag N Vet Ayr RSL breakfast from 7am
Wed 27th March 10.00-11.30am Ayr Elders Ayr Home Hill Ayr RSL Smoko
Wed 27th March 1.00-2.30pm Ayr BGS Ayr RSL Lunch from 12.30
Wed 27th March 6.00-7.30pm Home Hill LMK Ayr Home Hill LMK Ayr Home Hill BBQ dinner Home Hill shed from 5.30pm
Thurs 28th March 8.00-9.30am Ayr BGA Ayr Home Hill Ayr RSL breakfast from 7.30am
Thurs 28th March 10.30-12.00pm Ayr EE Muirs Ayr RSL lunch from 12.00

For any growers interested in attending please contact Nufarm Field Development Officer – North Qld, Nicholas Matthews on mobile 0428 736 660 or email [email protected].

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

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thumbnail of NUF19231 suSCon maxi Intel Applicator Excellence Program Flyer_Digital

thumbnail of Introducing suSCon Stewardship and Applicator Excellence Program Industry EDM 11.03.19

Daily Sugar Price – 13 March 2019

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The March 2019 contract settled at: 12.33 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 70.82 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$381 for MAY Contract – 2018 season

*$381 for 2018 season

*For Growers who have chosen to roll 2018-Season
exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be
inclusive of roll costs incurred (currently $13.91/t)

$407 for 2019 season

$436 for 2020 season

$446 for 2021 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.