MEDIA RELEASE – Nth Qld Restocking, Replanting and On-Farm Infrastructure Grants
I’m pleased to let you know that applications for the North Queensland Restocking, Replanting and On-Farm Infrastructure Grants are now open. You’ll find more information on eligibility and applying at
These grants (not loans) of up to $400,000 to eligible primary producers can be used for:
• restocking lost livestock
• replanting lost or damaged crops or permanent plantings
• restoring or replacing lost or damaged on-farm infrastructure.
The grants require a 50 per cent co-contribution, dollar-for-dollar and applicants must have first received the $75,000 Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant in full.
I strongly urge all applicants not to self-assess their eligibility for these grants and to talk to QRIDA or the Rural Financial Counselling Service before submitting an application.
There’s been some comment that the next generation of graziers, those who were just starting out at the time of the floods, may miss out on these grants. That is not the case. We need to nurture those up-and-comers and make sure we have a sustainable industry.
As long as someone can demonstrate their primary production business has the potential to become viable and provide a reasonable income – for example there is a business plan and they were building up a herd – then they will be considered a primary producer under this program.
Farmers will be able to draw down on grant funds as many times as needed up to the total that’s been approved, until the end of the scheme on 30 June 2021. This means each farmer will control the timing of their restocking or replanting to suit their business needs.
I want to reiterate these are grants and not loans – we are not asking people to take on debt, rather we’re giving them a hand with re-establishing their farm businesses.
I also offer my assurance that the $300 million allocated to this grant program is certain and will not be affected by the election outcome. read more