Wilmar yesterday issued a grower update in relation to recent fire at Pioneer Mill. Collectives also met with senior mill/CST staff yesterday afternoon for an update. Based on initial assessment of damage caused, Wilmar are expecting crushing operations at Pioneer Mill will resume on Monday 21st October.

Current focus is on transferring burnt cane, both standing in field and already in bins to Kalamia and Invicta mills for processing. This is not expected to be completed until Saturday this weekend at the earliest. Reloading of cane continues to be a challenge and is being carried out at Browns Road no. 2 or 7 (alternating between sidings) as well as Airdale no. 6. Following this Pioneer area cane will be transferred to Wilmar’s other 3 factories over the coming fortnight and will continue until Pioneer mill resumes crushing.

Wilmar is in the process of adding “N” rakes (paid not crushed) for growers with harvested cane last week in bins at the time of mill failure in their end of week run process to ensure growers receive a payment as normal. Bins weights for this cane have been based on actual average bin weight for other cane from the same paddock that had been processed earlier in the week. CCS will be allocated in accordance with CAP missed sample, >24 hour cut to crush provisions. Receipt of payment on this basis does not confirm acceptance by growers. These allocations will be reviewed against the actual cane results when crushed with season-to-date amendment undertaken where results are better than what grower has been paid on. Any adjustments to be made will be in consultation with effected grower.

Have also confirmed that no fibre samples will be undertaken on reloaded cane in order to ensure other growers are not disadvantaged.

With cane transfers being undertaken until Pioneer mill resumes crushing season end date for these 3 mills is expected to be extended by 2-3 days however Pioneer position is unclear at this stage.

Any queries in relation to harvesting matters should be directed to the Pioneer Cane Supply and Transport Team as a first point of contact:
• Jason Jeffrey, Senior Logistics Officer, 0428 753 487
• Shane Feeney, Logistics Officer, 0457 563 110
• Simon Kroehn, Logistics Officer, 0429 108 092 read more



Brock Dembowski, Extension Officer Sustainable Farming Systems, from DAF will be holding a legume pest workshop with Hugh Brier next week. If growers currently grow or are considering growing soy beans or mung beans this workshop will cover off on everything to do with insect control in order to maximise income from beans. Both sessions will have an infield bug ID activity so that growers can do checks themselves on farm. First workshop is being held on Tuesday 15th October 12pm at Ayr showgrounds followed by site visit to Frank Mugica’s soy bean crop. A second workshop is being held on Wednesday 16th October 8am at 228 Kirknie Road (Marano soy beans) followed by site visit to Linton mung beans. If anyone is interested in attending either of these workshops please text to Brock on 0467 819 592 with “Yes” and either 15 or 16 for the date your attending. Lunch provided on 15th smoko on 16th.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Daily Sugar Price – 8th October 2019

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

The July 2019 contract settled at: 12.52 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 67.33 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$405 for October Contract – 2019 season

$406 for 2019 season

$428 for 2020 season

$444 for 2021 season

$444 for 2022 season

(The 2019 Target Price Contract reflects a whole-of-season weighted average in a 5:1 ratio across the remaining contracts.

For Growers who have chosen to roll 2019 – Season exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be inclusive of roll costs incurred currently $17.98.)

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.