I refer to KCGO original email/post to web page of 4th February regarding the above weather event and assistance sought from growers at the time surrounding damage incurred and approximate cost to rectify.
This information was collated and previously provided to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) along with details from other collectives in relation to their members to establish whether there is sufficient data to warrant DAF initial assessment process for Cat C activation or alternatively adequate evidence for a business case for Cat B activation.
Have recently been informed by DAF that Burdekin cane grower organisations have provided details for a total of 29 producers impacted by the 27-28 January 2020 rainfall event, with areas within the region reportedly recording >700mm across the 2 days. Estimate of damages for these 29 producers amounted to approximately $852,500.
The nature of theses impacts and estimated costs of repair vary considerably, ranging from $2000 – $119,000 per enterprise. The vast majority of impacts relate to washouts, headland / paddock erosion and damage to channels and drains. There are some instances of causeway damage, and damage/loss of plant and equipment.
To date only Counter Disaster Operations (CDO) and Restoration of Essential Public Assets (REPA) assistance have been activated in relation to the 2020 rain event that impacted parts of the lower Burdekin. There was no Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) activation for primary producers. The DRFA activation and support provisions associated with the 2019 monsoonal flood event are discrete, and have no sway in relation to the 2020 rain event.
Based on the information provided, DAF have indicated that it is clear that the impacts sustained from the 2020 rainfall event do not meet the prescribed eligibility thresholds for the Queensland Premier to elevate a DRFA activation case to the Australian Government and Prime Minister for consideration and approval: read more