Burdekin mills update – 22.11.22


Good morning all,

Widespread thunderstorms across the district overnight saw falls of between 5-75mm.



  • 3-50mm
  • One group cut last night, one cutting this morning, more interested in going later. Inkerman is in a clean today so should be in a position to crush any cane cut at Inkerman today



  • 20-75mm
  • No groups cutting at the moment but there are others interested for later on. Invicta is in a B side clean so zero hour on A side is late this afternoon, so Invicta should be in a position to crush any cane cut at Invicta today



  • 5-60mm
  • No cutting at the moment. One group cut 8 bins this morning then stopped, one group cut 56 last night. This will be crushed before mill runs out today. Groups wanting to start later today have committed about 6000 tonnes. Restart plans will be reviewed later in the day



  • 5-45mm
  • Two harvesters cutting at the moment. 72 cut last night Others showing interest for later on. Restart plans will be reviewed later in the day


Kind regards,


John Tait

Cane Supply Manager

Wilmar Sugar Australia Limited

Burdekin Cane Supply and Transport

Sir Russell Drysdale Drive

Home Hill QLD 4806  Australia

Direct line    +61 7 4782 3802

Fax               +61 7 4782 1766

Mobile          +61 0428 571 315

[email protected]
