Notice to Members – Industrial Action – Fair Work Commission evidence filed

Notice to Members – Industrial Action – Fair Work Commission evidence filed

Dear Members,

In relation to Wilmar Sugar’s application to the Fair Work Commission, KCGO provided evidence that was filed with the Commission, of the potential  consequential losses to growers of protracted protected further industrial action.  The objective was to personalise the impact – that of individual farming entities/families and the wider Burdekin community reliant upon the work and income generated by the crushing.

The matters touched upon made real the likely negative impact on growers this season, bleeding into next season, should crushing be disrupted and the season length pushed out or crushing ceased before all cane was harvested.  KCGO clearly stated no comment was made on the veracity of the dispute, however, as KCGO represents the interests of growers, an important factor in the deliberations of the Fair Work Commission when determining Wilmar Sugar’s application, was to have regard to the probable significant  financial implications and disruption to your families and farming businesses.

KCGO will keep members apprised of developments.


Allan Parker