QSL Grower Information Sessions

QSL will be hosting Grower Information sessions on Tuesday 6 February and Wednesday 7 February. Details as follows.

Tuesday 6 February 

3.30pm to 5.00pm – GST/ Growers Home accountants

Golf Club, Ayr

Have you accessed your QSL Payment Statement yet ? Need help understanding leading up to the next BAS deadline ? Got a general question about your Statement?

QSL will be running this session for Growers/ Home accountants which will include a general refresher on payment statements and treatment of CCS revisions.

5.30pm to 7.00pm – 2018 QSL Marketing

Golf Club, Ayr

Ginette Barrett, Treasury Manager will be providing a market update along with overview of 2018-Season QSL Pricing Options and pricing declaration date details. 

Wednesday 7 February  

9.00am to 10.30am – 2018 QSL Marketing

Canegrowers Hall, Home Hill

Ginette Barrett, Treasury Manager will be providing a market update along with overview of 2018-Season QSL Pricing Options and pricing declaration date details.

11.30am to 1.00pm – GST/ Growers Home accountants

Have you accessed your QSL Payment Statement yet ? Need help understanding leading up to the next BAS deadline ? Got a general question about your Statement?

QSL will be running this session for Growers/ Home accountants which will include a general refresher on payment statements and treatment of CCS revisions.

QSL are asking growers to register their interest by emailing [email protected]  so we have an idea of numbers in attendance.