KCGO Office Closed Friday 2nd August from 3.00pm

KCGO Office Closed Friday 2nd August from 3.00pm

The Annual pest/white ant inspection and treatment by Flick Pest Control is being conducted this Friday afternoon  2nd August.  Consequently, the KCGO office will be closed from 3.00pm.

For any urgent enquires, please call Allan Parker (Office Manager) on 0447 128 312.

Sorry for any  inconvenience this may cause.

Member Reminders for 2024 Season



Fire permits are required to be completed each year. Please ensure you have this completed before your first burn for the upcoming 2024 season.

Please find below all information for your benefit and knowledge as well as the Fire Permit Application.

The administration staff can complete or assist members with this form.

Forms also available at the KCGO office.


Members, a quick reminder that if you have your harvesting costs direct debited from your cane pay, the Harvest Costs Authority form has to be

completed annually.

If you choose this option, this form will have to be filled out and returned to Wilmar before grower cuts their first round.

The administration staff can complete or assist members with this form.

Forms available at the KCGO office.



If you have changed harvesting contractors, or the harvest contractors has changed their entity details, growers from that group will need to complete

a new Weekend Harvest Authority form. If this form is not updated, the contractor does not receive the weekend harvest allowance.

The administration staff can complete or assist members with this form.

Forms available at the KCGO office.

Notice to Members – Industrial Action – Fair Work Commission evidence filed

Notice to Members – Industrial Action – Fair Work Commission evidence filed

Dear Members,

In relation to Wilmar Sugar’s application to the Fair Work Commission, KCGO provided evidence that was filed with the Commission, of the potential  consequential losses to growers of protracted protected further industrial action.  The objective was to personalise the impact – that of individual farming entities/families and the wider Burdekin community reliant upon the work and income generated by the crushing.

The matters touched upon made real the likely negative impact on growers this season, bleeding into next season, should crushing be disrupted and the season length pushed out or crushing ceased before all cane was harvested.  KCGO clearly stated no comment was made on the veracity of the dispute, however, as KCGO represents the interests of growers, an important factor in the deliberations of the Fair Work Commission when determining Wilmar Sugar’s application, was to have regard to the probable significant  financial implications and disruption to your families and farming businesses.

KCGO will keep members apprised of developments.


Allan Parker