Member Notice – New Notification for Burning of Sugar Cane


New Notification For Burning of Sugar Cane was published in Qld Government Gazette No.29 on 31st May 2019, a copy of which is attached, as well as an information sheet from Qld Fire & Emergency Services. Both of these documents can also be located in Rural Fire Service web page via the below link. Previous gazetted notifications published in 2004 and 2010 have been revoked from the date of publication of this new notification.

KCGO continues to encourage members to apply for a Permit To Light Fire through your local Fire Warden.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of QFES-InfoSheet-CaneBurningNotification

(click to view full size)

thumbnail of Cane-Burning-Notification-31-May-2019

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Australian Farmers – Petition – Help Stop Red Tape Choking QLD Farmers


Farming groups across Queensland have launched an online petition against the Queensland Government’s tightening of regulation on agriculture in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

KCGO would strongly encourage our members to sign the petition to voice their opposition to further regulate farming across the state.

Petition can be signed via the following link.

Water monitoring improves irrigation and nutrient efficiency

Water monitoring improves irrigation and nutrient efficiency

31st May|North Queensland Register

A group of farmers in the lower Burdekin have been able to improve their business practices while also taking care of the internationally significant wetlands and Great Barrier Reef that sit on their doorstep.

Through the Connecting Burdekin Cane Farmers To Their Local Wetlands project run by NQ Dry Tropics, farmers located near Lilliesmere Lagoon, Ayr, and Horseshoe Lagoon, Giru, have monitored their runoff and been able improve their irrigation and nutrient efficiency.

(click to view full size)

Regulated Electricity Prices for Regional Queensland

2019-20 Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland
31st May|Queensland Competition Authority

On 31 May 2019 the Queensland Competition Authority released its final determination on regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland in 2019–20.
Electricity prices for most regional customers will fall in 2019–20. The typical customer on the main residential tariff (tariff 11) will see a decrease of 4.4%, and the typical customer on the main small business tariff (tariff 20) will see a decrease of 5.8%.

With reduction in electricity prices for regional Queensland it is timely that members undertake a review of their current tariff structures to determine most cost effective one for their irrigation needs.
If you’re considering a tariff change or wish to discuss options, please call Ergon Energy on 13 10 46 (7am – 6.30pm, Mon – Fri)