Assistance for Primary Producers

Assistance for primary producers affected by North
and Queensland Monsoon Trough,
25 January to 6 February 2019

Attached is a fact sheet for recovery assistance. Category C has been activated by the Prime Minister for the Burdekin Shire. You can access information on how to take advantage of this assistance on the QRIDA website under assistance for primary producers. Link below

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Version 2 Recovery Assistance Fact Sheet feb 2019

(click to view full size)

QFF Welcomes Banking Royal Commission Recommendations

QFF welcomes Banking Royal Commission recommendations

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) has welcomed the Australian Government’s commitment to establish a National Farm Debt Mediation Scheme following recommendations made by the Banking Royal Commission released yesterday.
The government has also agreed to recommendations made by Royal Commissioner Justice Kenneth Hayne to have ‘specialised’ agricultural bankers manage distressed farm loans, prevent banks charging default interest during drought or natural disasters and only appoint receivers as a remedy of last resort.
QFF President Stuart Armitage said the government’s commitment to act on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission was a positive step in improving financial services for Queensland farmers.
“Following continued advocacy by QFF, the Queensland Government legislated to create a state Farm Debt Mediation Scheme, recognising the unequal playing field for farmers when negotiating with the big banks,” Mr Armitage said.
“Prior to this, QFF facilitated a voluntary debt mediation system – the Queensland Farm Finance Strategy – on a pro bono basis for 20 years. Legislating and properly resourcing a state arrangement was the logical step towards nationally consistent farm debt monitoring and mediation processes.”
“Bankers move around and modern farming businesses operate across state borders, so a nationally consistent approach to this issue that takes the best elements from each jurisdiction is likely to see a greater chance of fair and equitable outcomes being reached.”
“The requirement that banks not charge default interest on agricultural loans where a national disaster has been declared is timely as many farmers are dealing with drought across 58 per cent of the state and flooding rains in the north.”
In addition, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (ACFA) will now allow aggrieved farmers seek redress from the banks for incidents stretching back to 1 January 2008. Normally the right to seek redress would end after six years.
“Farmers have 12 months to lodge complaints seeking justice for incidents which occurred between 2008 and 2012. The maximum compensation farmers are able to be seek through ACFA is $2 million,” Mr Armitage said. read more



On 20 December 2018 the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) received a Delegation to determine regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 from the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, the Hon Anthony Lynham MP.
To commence the review the QCA has released an interim consultation paper to seek stakeholder feedback on how it will determine electricity prices for regional Queensland.
KCGO has lodged a submission on behalf of members, a copy of which follows for your information.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of QCA Electicity Consultation Paper Submission

Safe Work Guidelines Cane & Trash Blanket Burning


KCGO has this year been progressively developing the following guidelines to assist growers/contractors. Delay in its release for the 2018 season has been a result of ongoing discussions with various representatives from Workplace Health and Safety Qld as well as The Rural Fire Service.

Guidelines have now been uploaded to enable members to become familiar with document. These guidelines will be reposted to our web page prior to the commencement of 2019 season.

KCGO would encourage members to utilise guidelines, as having in place a set of documentary procedures would be advantageous in any legal defence should someone be maimed or worse, whilst undertaking this task on your farm and results in action taken for a breach of WH & S legislation.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Safe Work Guidelines Cane & Trash Blanket Burning Rev4

Ergon Energy Load Tariff Trail


Ergon Energy are inviting primary producers to work with them to connect certain farm equipment, like irrigation pumps, to a load control tariff (for example Tariff 33).

For any growers who are interested, additional information can be sourced via the following Ergon link.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO