I refer to our previous post of 31 October in relation to assistance available to growers to meet water rates and levy charges as well as text messages in relation to current LBW groundwater survey.

Following LBW board meeting held last Thursday the following response has been received.

The Board have asked LBW Management to distribute a communique to all LBW groundwater irrigators and stakeholder groups, expanding on the information sheet provided with the initial survey letter and maps to each grower.  Kalagro’s queries will be addressed in this communique.  Management are scheduled to meet on the morning of Monday 5th of November, where the communique will be finalised and distributed shortly thereafter.

The Board also considered your second request regarding an extension of the payment due dates and that no interest be applied to unpaid annual area rates and water invoices this year.  As per LBW policy, ratepayers may request to enter into a payment plan with LBW.  Each request shall be considered on an individual basis by either the Finance Manager or the Executive Officer, dependent upon the time period extension requested.  All payment plans entered into by LBW and ratepayers will be executed in accordance with LBW policy, including any applicable interest charges.”

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO

Sunwater and Lower Burdekin Water Rates and Charges


Dear Members

KCGO has made an approach to both SunWater and Lower Burdekin Water to ascertain assistance available to growers who may be facing financial hardship and not in a position to fully meet their current water charges payable given the current general downturn in the local sugar industry, eg. reduced tonnage and seasonal price unlikely to cover the costs of production.

To date have received a response from Sunwater as follows:

“we wish to advise that SunWater already offers payment plans for customers and irrigators who are presently unable to pay their invoice. While the specifics of the situation vary from customer to customer, any of your members or indeed any of our customers are free to call and talk to our accounts department. We have the facilities to set up interest-free payment plans with entirely reasonable payment schedules, usually whatever the customer can afford. 

If you have individual members who are struggling, we would ask that you encourage them to contact us directly either by email or phone, and we will be happy to make arrangements for them. We understand these are trying times and wish to do what we can to assist.”

Should members be having financial difficulty in meeting water charges please contact Sunwater direct via 13 15 89 or email

Further advices will be posted when a response is received from Lower Burdekin Water.

Les Elphinstone

Manger KCGO



It has been brought to KCGO’s attention by a number of members of their concerns at the increasing damage that is being caused by the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus) to their plant and ratoon sugar cane crops. This would appear not to be restricted to the Kalamia area but is common throughout the district. Situation is being compounded by ever increasing population and the lack of natural predators.

KCGO understands the Purple Swamphens are very difficult to relocate away from crops and culling is more than likely necessary to remove them. BPS have been approached to establish what pest management strategies are available to growers for the Purple Swamphen.

BPS confirmed they are aware Coot damage is significant and over the last 4 years reported crop damage has ranged from 13000 to 5600 tonnes annually.  Last season around 8900 tonnes was reported and recorded by BPS.

BPS have advised these are a protected species and the only way for control under government regulation is to apply for a damage mitigation permit – see attached application form.  Permit application can also be lodged online via If any growers wish to apply for permit and the Department of Environment and Science (DES) require more information on district damage, or a letter of support verifying the damage, please contact BPS who will be willing to assist.

Should growers require assistance in completion of permit application, please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO

p01394aa (1)

Proposed Change in the Composition of Water Authority Boards Section 598A(2) of the Water Act 2000

Proposed Change in the Composition of Water Authority Boards Section 598A(2)

of the Water Act 2000.

Good afternoon members,

Roadvale Water Board have organised a petition in relation to the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy’s proposed change to the election procedure.  If you would like to participate in the e-petition there is a link below. KCGO encourages members, family and friends to support petition in an effort to keep community control with continued election of directors by local water board’s ratepayers.

Petition against the proposed changes to Category 2 Water Boards has been approved by the Queensland Parliament.

 “It has been proposed by the Palaszczuk Labor Government that the way in which Category 2 Water Boards are put in place is changed from an election process to a nomination procedure. This nomination procedure could potentially remove local voices, with local knowledge, by removing the election of directors by local water users, replacing democratic elections with a costly and complex nomination process where directors are subject ultimately to Ministerial appointment. Presently a number of Category 2 Authorities, including the Roadvale Water Board, are operated by a dedicated team of local board directors elected from within the community and contribute exponentially more than remuneration received.

This petition is open to all Queensland residents and includes all Cat 2 Water Boards.

Click this link to open the E-Petition:

This E-Petition closes on 29/10/2018.

Your support is appreciated.

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO

QLD Rural Debt Survey Presentation

QLD Rural Debt Survey Presentation

Recently had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Qld Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) to local agricultural industry bodies, accountants and financial institutions in relation to the 2017 Qld Rural Debt Survey as well as their Farm Debt Services.


QRIDA has been supporting Queensland’s primary producers for more than 20 years, providing opportunities to build business sustainability and profitability, recover from drought and natural disasters and pursue their business goals.

QRIDA have nine (9) Regional Area Managers located throughout Queensland who can meet with clients and stakeholders on property to discuss individual goals and situations, explain  different schemes and walk through the application process. At QRIDA, they’re excited to partner with rural industry to develop and improve regional communities.

Pertinent Points From 2017 Survey – Sugar

  • 6% of overall rural debt in Qld relates to sugar of which 80.70% is rated viable under most/all circumstances
  • 8% of sugar debt is located in Northern Coastal Qld – Mackay to Cairns
  • Sugar industry debt in Northern Coastal Qld – total debt $880m an increase of 7.64% over previous survey conducted in 2011, number of borrowers 1668 an increase of 15.75%, average $ debt per borrower $528k a decrease of 7.01%

Farm Debt Services

  1. Farm Business Debt Mediation
  • Improve efficient and equitable pathways for farmers and mortgagees
  1. Farm Debt Restructure Office
  • Create proactive communication and actions between lenders and primary producers – “financial distress”

  • Farm Management Grants
  • read more

    Australian Hemp Seed Industry


    Came across an interesting article on ABC Landline recently in relation to hemp seed that may be of interest to growers considering alternative/fallow crops given current state within the sugar industry. In November last year legislation of hemp seed as a food was passed and has resulted in Australian farmers now adding hemp to their grain cropping programs.

    Have attached a couple of links, the first is the ABC Landline video in relation to the Hemp Seed Industry.

    The second link is to the company mentioned in the video, Hemp Foods Australia whereby growers who are interested can lodge an enquiry.

    Les Elphinstone

    Manager KCGO



    In 2017 SRA finalised an Industry Adoption Strategy which aims to support the profitable and sustainable growth of the Australian Sugar Industry through accelerated application of technologies and practices.

    Attached guide provides an outline of the key processes including formation of Regional Adoption Advisory Committee (RAAC) for which SRA are calling for growers to nominate, refer our previous post on 4th October.

    This is a chance for growers/members to have direct input into of issues of importance to the industry from a local/regional perspective.

    Les Elphinstone

    Manager KCGO

    thumbnail of Adoption Strategy Planning and Investment Guide Short 2018

    (click to view full size)