Permanently increasing FHA assets test for farmers

Permanently increasing FHA assets test for farmers

4 July 2019

More farmers will be able to access vital assistance when they are going through tough times, with the Coalition Government today introducing legislation to maintain the net farm asset threshold for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) at $5 million.
Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said the Government was delivering on its election commitment to keep the asset test increase and make the FHA available to more farmers.
“Australian farmers are very resilient, but like everyone else there are times when they need additional support,” Minister McKenzie said.
“The FHA is in place to help farmers facing hardship, particularly during drought, to implement plans to improve long-term financial circumstances and assess their options.
“Last year the Government temporarily increased the cap from $2.6 million to $5 million to support farmers affected by the current drought who were in financial difficulties, but were notionally asset rich.
“The change was temporary, pending the FHA Review, which ultimately recommended making the temporary increase permanent.
“This increase allows farmers to access support without having to jeopardise the income-producing capacity of their farm by selling farm equipment.
“It also recognises that farm assets can be difficult to sell quickly and, during tough times, are often sold for less than they’re worth.
“Increasing the asset threshold to $5 million increases the potential pool of FHA recipients by approximately 8,000 additional farmers.
“The changes introduced today build on the extension of the time farmers and their partners will be able to receive FHA from three to four cumulative years.”
Farmers should not guess at whether they’re eligible for FHA. For eligibility, seek advice from the free Rural Financial Counselling Service on 1800 686 175 or the Department of Human Services Farmer Assistance Hotline on 13 23 16. Any farmers experiencing financial hardship should get in touch with their local Rural Financial Counselling Service who can help work through available options. read more

BPS & SRA Shed Meetings

Hi All,

BPS and SRA will be hosting Shed Meetings later this month. Upon requests and support from growers to move them earlier than our traditional November time slot, we have brought them forward. Most growers felt that earlier in the season was a better time than at the end. We will be presenting info on the plant breeding process both at a statewide and local level, and discussing the interactions between genome (variety), climate and management, as well as an overview of potential agronomic management constraints and how they can be addressed such as weed control, variety selection and mix, nutrition and irrigation. We will also have some samples of pest and disease damage to show growers the symptoms so they can identify these issues.

Growers are welcome to attend any of the shed meetings if their local meeting does not suit, and as always, each of you are welcome to attend one or two meetings.

The list below will be sent with our upcoming newsletter, as well as growers will be messaged the day before their meeting.


Rob and Anthony

Date Time Group Venue
Tue 23 July 1pm Airville/Dicks Bank/McDesme BPS Shed
Wed 24 July 8:30am Airdmillan/Burstalls N Formalin
Wed 24 July 1pm Jarvisfield/Kilrie/Rita Island Quartermaine
Thur 25 July 8:30am Aerodrome/Colevale/Town/Pioneer Mill B Lago
Thur 25 July 1pm Jardine/Mona Park/Barratta L Smith
Fri 26 July 8:30am Waterview/Sextons E Pearce
Fri 26 July 1pm Darvenizas/Down River/Ramsdens B Santarossa

Mon 29 July 8:30am Inkerman/Fredericksfield/Groper Creek G MacElroy
Mon 29 July 1pm Koolkuna/Marshalls/Iona Klaka Rd Plot
Tue 30 July 8:30am Giru/Shirbourne D Poletto
Tue 30 July 1pm Selkirk/Haughton/Bartlett/Upper Haughton SISL
Wed 31 July 8:30am Millaroo/Dalbeg J Cambruzzi
Wed 31 July 1pm Clare/Mulgrave/Stockham Rd Clare Club

Mon 5 Aug 8:30am Leichhardt Brotto Shed
Mon 5 Aug 1pm Osborne/Causeway R Piva

Rob Milla

Burdekin Productivity Services

Email: [email protected]
Ph: 07 4783 1101
Mobile: 0490 036 329
PO Box 237 Ayr QLD 4807
210 Old Clare Road, Ayr read more

Burdekin Shire Council 2019/20 Budget – At a Glance


Burdekin Shire Council today handed down its budget for the 2019/2020 financial year. Snapshot of budget is attached for your information.

Have highlighted a number of relevant points from full budget document.

• Category A – Residential general rate cents in the dollar has increased from $0.01478 to $0.01645 an increase of 11.30%
• Category D – Sugar Cane general rate cents in the dollar has decreased from $0.03984 to $0.03700 a decrease of 7.13%
• Estimated Operating Surplus for 2018/2019 year – $2,782,963 (98.28% above original budget)
• Estimated Net Result for 2018/2019 year – $5,643,529 (24.06% above original budget)
• Projected Operating Surplus for 2019/2020 year – $422,515
• Projected Net Result for 2019/2020 year – $6,298,123
• Interest on outstanding rates and charges – 9% compound interest charged on daily rests
• Ratepayers who meet the criteria for financial hardship and satisfactorily complete a mutually agreed payment plan will be eligible for reimbursement of 50% of interest charges.

Les Elphinstone
Manager / Company Secretary


“Reminder – LBW Triennial Elections – Nominations are Open


A reminder to members that LBW has called nominations for four persons eligible to be elected as Directors of Lower Burdekin Water. Two (2) directors are to be nominated and elected from ratepayers in each of the (2) two divisions by ratepayers of Lower Burdekin Water for a three (3) year term. The nomination period is drawing to a close with only one week to go.

Since the inception of the North and South Burdekin Water Boards in 1965 and 1966 respectively, growers have always had seats at the table helping shape the direction and management of groundwater recharge and water distribution in the Burdekin Delta. LBW invite ratepayer growers to nominate for a position on the Board and participate in the management of groundwater in the Delta. The nomination documentation is available on LBW’s website and LBW staff are available to assist ratepayers with their nomination paperwork if required.”