“Reminder – LBW Triennial Elections – Nominations are Open


A reminder to members that LBW has called nominations for four persons eligible to be elected as Directors of Lower Burdekin Water. Two (2) directors are to be nominated and elected from ratepayers in each of the (2) two divisions by ratepayers of Lower Burdekin Water for a three (3) year term. The nomination period is drawing to a close with only one week to go.

Since the inception of the North and South Burdekin Water Boards in 1965 and 1966 respectively, growers have always had seats at the table helping shape the direction and management of groundwater recharge and water distribution in the Burdekin Delta. LBW invite ratepayer growers to nominate for a position on the Board and participate in the management of groundwater in the Delta. The nomination documentation is available on LBW’s website http://lowerburdekinwater.com.au/resource-library/documents/ and LBW staff are available to assist ratepayers with their nomination paperwork if required.”



It has recently come to my attention the abovementioned web page which is specifically designed as a best management practice program for the horticultural industry. Whilst most content is not relevant to the sugar industry one area that I found to be of interest is Hort360’s “Workplace Safety” section which highlights and reiterates what has been published previously on KCGO web page that as an employer, growers have a legal responsibility and ultimately liability for the health and safety of workers, contractors and contractors employees under WHS Legislation.
There is a wealth of information available from this site that can be utilised or adapted for sugar cane growing. I would encourage members to become familiar with its content and utilise/adapt what you deem to be appropriate for your business.

For more information CLICK HERE

Les Elphinstone

KCGO Manager