Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Limited Annual General Meeting


AGM was held on Wednesday 19th August at Ayr Showgrounds with main item of general business being “KCGO Future Options”.

Collective presented slideshow of four future options that your directors had developed to include possible “pros & cons” of each. Members were also updated of developments earlier in the day in relation to Burdekin District

Cane Growers with membership withdrawal by Pioneer Cane Growers Organisation as well Canegrowers Burdekin Limited/ Pioneer Cane Growers Organisation announcement the same day re. collaboratively working together in

negotiating CSA as well as common local issues of importance eg. rates.

Detailed discussion and interaction from members included KCGO board’s continued appetite in relation to engagement of consultant in an amalgamation scenario, issues around previous unification concept, past successes and

the important role that BDCG has played for your industry and the need for a strong local united voice.

As agreed by those present at AGM Chairman, Mr Robert Malaponte, was directed to contact Matt Thomson, managing partner and CEO of the Carey Group with a view to engaging with growers at a members meeting to understand growers needs and wants in a single district organisation for the industry. Matt has 15 years’ experience at an executive level in global organisations in Chief Financial Officer & Managing Partner roles and has advised various ASX listed companies around business strategy, risk management and transformation. Matt has accepted the Chairman’s invitation to attend a members meeting to be organised in the coming months, possibly October 2020.  This will be your chance to provide a direction as well as put forward ideas of “wants and needs of importance” in a single local organisation.

Further advices will issue in due course.

Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary