Smart Farms Small Grants – Round 3


The Australian Government is inviting applications for projects to deliver services under the National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grants Round 3.
Smart Farms Small Grants is an open, competitive, grant opportunity to support projects to increase farming, forestry and fishing communities’ awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture.
The purpose of Smart Farms Small Grants is to support land manager practice change that will deliver more sustainable, productive and profitable food, fibre and forestry business while protecting Australia’s biodiversity; protecting and improving the condition of natural resources; and assisting Australia meet its international obligations.
The purpose will be achieved by supporting projects that contribute to achieving one or both of the program outcomes outlined below:
• Outcome 1 – Increased adoption of best practice sustainable agriculture
• Outcome 2 – Increase the capacity of land managers to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture
A total of $43.5 million (GST exclusive) is available for Smart Farms Small Grants across an anticipated six annual rounds (2017–18 to 2022–23).
• The first round opened for applications in October 2017 from which the then Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources approved 77 projects.
• The second round opened 13 November 2018 and the then Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources approved 110 projects.
• This grant opportunity is the third round.
To be eligible to apply for a grant you must be an individual or an organisation capable of entering into a legally binding and enforceable agreement with the Commonwealth. To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:
• Commonwealth Company
• Company
• Cooperative
• Corporate Commonwealth Entity
• Corporate State or Territory Entity
• Incorporated Association
• Indigenous Corporation
• International Entity
• Local Government
• Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
• Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
• Partnership
• Person
• Sole Trader
• Statutory Entity
• Trustee on behalf of a Trust.
Applications from consortia are eligible, as long as you have a lead applicant who is solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities and who is an eligible entity as per the list above. Eligible organisations can form a consortium with ineligible organisations.
Grant Opportunity Guidelines are attached for anyone interested in applying. read more

Levy Pay Register for the Sugar Industry


Please refer attached SRA communique regarding notice issued by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture on 31st May 2019.

The following additional points are made:

1. This is applicable to all levy payers – not just the voluntary members of SRA;
2. In some areas, such as Wilmar, some growers opted out of making their data available to SRA. This is different in that it deals with levy payments only.
3. This will provide SRA with contact details of all levy payers which will be a positive in that it will now allow SRA the ability to communicate with members and levy payers which has not been possible in the past.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of SRA Communique re levy payer register