Election offers Energy Spark – QFF Media Release

Election offers energy spark, but more still needed

Electricity affordability has proven to be a major issue during the Queensland State election with the parties already releasing their policies to combat the ‘energy crisis early in the campaign.

Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) President Stuart Armitage said it was encouraging that all parties had announced some positive commitments, but we are yet to see the holistic solution to the ‘energy crisis that farmers need.

The LNP and Katter’s Australia Party (KAP) have committed to addressing the network assets optimization issue “ the LNP by writing down Energy Queensland’s regulated asset base (RAB), KAP by valuing the assets at actual cost rather than replacement cost.

This is an important shift as the gold plating of the poles and wires is the number one driver of electricity price increases. The LNP commitment needs to go further, as it only writes the total RAB down by about 6.5% when 50% is required to deliver real price relief.

The LNP’s $75 million Food and Fibre Transition Payment for farmers on tariffs 62, 65 and 66 is also a constructive first step. But when the 3-year $1,400 payment runs out we will still be left with unsuitable tariffs. Encouragingly, KAP have committed to directly dealing with the transitional tariffs issue by indefinitely freezing the proposed changes.

KAP, The Greens and One Nation (ONP) have all committed, in different ways, to addressing the four hidden taxes on the Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) that accounted for about $3 billion in government revenue last year  about $12 billion over the last 3 years.

Labor has best addressed on farm demand management and energy efficiency with its commitment to a $10 million extension of the Energy Savers Program that will conduct 200 extra energy audits and offer a 50% co-contribution (capped at $20,000) towards the cost of implementing changes recommended through the audits.

However, without addressing the price side, Labor must significantly ramp up this program so more farmers can benefit and evolve the program over time to address broader productivity issues. read more

QFF Media Release – Improved Farm Practices GBR

Farming alongside the Great Barrier Reef has a strong future

Election reefQueensland farmers continue to embrace industry-led Best Management Practice (BMP) programs, demonstrating their commitment to improved land management practices that reduce agriculture impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) President Stuart Armitage, CANEGROWERS Chairman Paul Schembri and AgForce General President Grant Maudsley, urged all political parties to support farmers within the Reef catchments with long term funding for voluntary BMP programs.

Over the last eight years, these voluntary programs have supported farmers to gain a more complete understanding of their businesses and implement improvements, Mr Armitage said.

In the past four years alone (2013-17), over 7,500 Queensland farmers have engaged with their industry-led BMP programs. 2,600 reef catchment farmers have been benchmarked against industry standards and are working towards improving their land management practices.

Our sector has been and continues to be built on the triple bottom line. Farmers engaged in industry-led BMP programs own their impact on their local area and the Reef, improve their environmental performance, leading to greater farm profitability.

The three farm leaders also urged the next state government not to introduce increased regulation in the Reef catchments.

QFF does not support increasing regulation to existing or new agricultural industries as it will not deliver the intended cultural change needed. Regulation should be a last resort not a first response, Mr Armitage said.

Regulation is a blunt instrument that supports minimum standards of compliance at the expense of true practice change, and it does little to encourage a culture of innovation and excellence.

This election, QFF is advocating for the following sensible and practical actions to realise our vision for a vibrant and thriving agricultural sector providing food, fibre and amenity to all Queenslanders:

  • Commit to long term investment at or above current levels in voluntary industry-led BMP programs.
  • Adopt a long term strategic funding model commensurate with water quality targets.
  • Do not introduce increased regulation in the Reef catchments.
  • Expand the sources of information that informs the Reef Report Card.

The full QFF Policy Platform and its Summary are available online: https://www.qff.org.au/queensland-election/. read more