BDCG Bargaining Authority, Arbitration and CSA’s.

BDCG Bargaining Authority, Arbitration and CSAs.

 Members are advised BDCG solicitors will be provided with a copy of growers BDCG Bargaining Authority Forms this afternoon. The procedural processes of the arbitration are about to commence but it will be some weeks until hearings occur.

 From this point forward, information regarding the arbitration and negotiation with Wilmar can only be provided to those growers who have submitted signed Bargaining Authorities

 A reminder to all who have signed these Authorities – if you change your position and subsequently sign Wilmar CSA and Forward Pricing Agreements, you must advise us immediately and withdraw the Bargaining Authority.

Kalamia Member Notice – Reef Compliance Program

Reef Compliance Program


Having completed 45 “audits” in the Burdekin over the last few months the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection advises it will be expanding the number of properties it will be visiting in the New Year. It has also advised that it will be re-visiting a number of the properties where it had requested improvements in record keeping and farm practices to see how growers are progressing with the issues that EHP had raised with them.

If you were one of the properties in question I would encourage you to look to addressing these matters and if we can be of assistance please contact us.