WILMAR – Production Figures – Week 19

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Dear Kalamia Members,

Please click on link below to view the Production Figures for Week 19.



Grower Meeting – Main Roads Dept – Oversized Ag Vehicles

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Dear Kalamia Members,

Grower Meeting with Transport and Main Roads Officials re New Zoning System for Movement of Oversized Ag Vehicles and Combinations

* Queensland Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Queensland Police from Brisbane will be in attendance to present the latest access for agricultural vehicles and combinations over 3.5m width.
* The meeting will introduce the requirements for two new National Notices for agricultural machinery movement and will be useful in terms of understanding the conditions and associated compliance requirements.
* TMR and Police will also invite their appropriate local representatives.

Date: Tuesday 25^th October 2016
Venue: Canegrowers Hall
68 Tenth Street
Home Hill
Time: 9.00am
