Wilmar – Burdekin Grower Update

Wilmar – Burdekin Grower Update – Invicta Mill – Update 2


Since issue of the below advice there has been a further update this morning in that re-start at Invicta has been pushed back until 2am tomorrow morning. Logistics staff have spoken with Invicta contractors this morning and have advised that there will be no harvesting today. Wilmar is looking at options to transfer some additional cane to Kalamia mill today with reduced loading to 70% for Kalamia contractors.

Further update to issue later today.

thumbnail of WILMAR UPDATE – Invicta Mill – No 2

(click to view full size)

Wilmar Daily Loading Advice

Loading Advice – 26th September 2019

Invicta                     6196

Kalamia                 12 010

Pioneer                   4 614

Inkerman                8 626

TOTAL                   31 446

Pioneer loading reduced due to a blown pressure feeder plate on # 1 mill. Due to restart at midday today.

Reduced loading at Inkerman which are having a clean.