Avenues in which information is shared by organisations has been greatly impacted due to the current COVID-19 operating restrictions.

SRA have provided a short introductory video of their local team and their focus roles.

Please click HERE to watch.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Learn more about our updated Terms of Service

We’re improving our Terms of Service and making them easier for you to
understand. The changes will take effect on March 31, 2020, and they won’t
impact the way you use Google services.

For more details, we’ve provided a summary of the key changes
<[email protected]&amp;>
and Frequently Asked Questions
<[email protected]&amp;>.
At a glance, here’s what this update means for you:

– Improved readability: While our Terms remain a legal document, we’ve done
our best to make them easier to understand, including by adding links to
useful information and providing definitions.

– Better communication: We’ve clearly explained when we’ll make changes to
our services (like adding or removing a feature) and when we’ll restrict or
end a user’s access. And we’ll do more to notify you when a change
negatively impacts your experience on our services.

– Adding Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS and Google Drive to the Terms: Our
improved Terms now cover Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, and Google Drive,
which also have service-specific terms and policies to help you understand
what’s unique to those services.

– No changes to our Privacy Policy: We’re not making any changes to the
Google Privacy Policy
<[email protected]&amp;>
and we haven’t made any changes to the way we treat your information. As a
reminder, you can always visit your Google Account
<> to review your privacy settings and manage
how your data is used.
read more

Daily Sugar Price – 20th November 2019

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

The July 2019 contract settled at: 12.69 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 68.28 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$406 for March Contract – 2019 season

$407for 2019 season

$426 for 2020 season

$438 for 2021 season

$439 for 2022 season

(The 2019 Target Price Contract reflects a whole-of-season weighted average in a 5:1 ratio across the remaining contracts.

For Growers who have chosen to roll 2019 – Season exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be inclusive of roll costs incurred currently $17.98.)

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.