CSA UPDATE – Monday, 31st October 2016

Dear members,

With BDCG having now given Wilmar formal notice on requiring the dispute to be referred to arbitration we are now within the legal processes associated with that.

We have been in communication with Wilmar about the type of Arbitration panel and the number of arbitrators to be on that panel. In the absence of agreement on these matters the process as set in the Commercial Arbitration Act is for an approach to be made to the Court and for the Court to appoint a single arbitrator. From the state of current discussions it seems this will have to be the case.

After an appointment it is expected that the legal processes necessary to reach commencement of Arbitration will take approximately 6 weeks.

 NB   There are still some members who have not returned a BDCG Bargaining Authority to KCGO.  If you are wanting to be included in the outcome of an arbitrated Collective CSA contract you must do so.

 If you have provided a Bargaining Authority but have already signed a Wilmar contract or do so between now and when the Arbitration Determination is made, you must withdraw that Bargaining Authority.


 David Rutledge

Executive Manager / Company Secretary

Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd

Kalagro Ltd

Po Box 597 Ayr Qld 4807

Tel:  07 4783 1312  Fax: 07 4783 3885