Safe Work Guidelines Cane & Trash Blanket Burning


KCGO has this year been progressively developing the following guidelines to assist growers/contractors. Delay in its release for the 2018 season has been a result of ongoing discussions with various representatives from Workplace Health and Safety Qld as well as The Rural Fire Service.

Guidelines have now been uploaded to enable members to become familiar with document. These guidelines will be reposted to our web page prior to the commencement of 2019 season.

KCGO would encourage members to utilise guidelines, as having in place a set of documentary procedures would be advantageous in any legal defence should someone be maimed or worse, whilst undertaking this task on your farm and results in action taken for a breach of WH & S legislation.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Safe Work Guidelines Cane & Trash Blanket Burning Rev4