Wilmar End of Crushing Advice

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Dear David

Based on an expected final crop of 8.2 million tonnes, forecast factory throughputs, no further rain disruptions, working through Christmas Day and the transfer of at least 4,000 tonnes per day from Inkerman Mill, 5,000 tonnes per day from Kalamia Mill and 5,000 tonnes per day from Pioneer Mill into Invicta Mill, harvesting is currently expected to finish as per the schedule below:

  • INVICTA – Finish harvesting (Invicta growers) 17 December; finish harvesting (with transfer) 21 December
  • INKERMAN – Finish harvesting 29 December
  • KALAMIA – Finish harvesting 28 December
  • PIONEER – Finish harvesting 28 December

For more details, see the letter attached.

Best regards

Burdekin Cane Supply Manager