Any members who may be facing financial difficulty there is help at hand in the form of Rural Financial Counselling Service which is funded by Federal and State Governments. Further details are provided below as well as link to the relevant web page.
Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS)
In addition to the recent extension to Farm Household Allowance program to four cumulative years (effective 1 August 2018), the Australian Government has announced further significant changes to the program – with two lump sum supplementary payments worth up to $12,000 for eligible households, changing the assets threshold to allow thousands more farmers to access support and $5 million extra funding to support the Rural Financial Counselling Service.
To find out more call the Rural Financial Counselling Service 1800 686 175 for assistance.
Eligible client groups include farmers, fishing enterprises, forestry growers and harvesters, and small related businesses. There are 12 service providers across Australia that employ rural financial counsellors to assist clients in need. The RFCS is funded by the Australian, State and Northern Territory Governments. It delivers intensive, individualised support to each client without them having to pay.
Australia rural financial counselling service map PDF [2.0 MB, 1 page]
How can the RFCS help your business
Rural financial counsellors can:
- help identify your financial and business options
- help negotiate with your lenders
- help you develop an action plan
- help support you to access the Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
- give you information about government and other assistance schemes
- refer you to accountants, agricultural advisers and educational services
- refer you to Department of Human Services and to professionals for succession planning, family mediation and personal, emotional and social counselling.
Rural financial counsellors do not provide family, emotional or social counselling or financial advice—but they can provide referrals and information.
Counsellors provide financial options and support to help farmers make the right decision for their business.
Find a rural financial counsellor
To get the details of your nearest rural financial counsellor, select your state below or phone 1800 686 175.
Contact details
Rural Financial Counselling Service Department of Agriculture and Water Resources GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 read more