Daily Sugar Price

Friday, 9 August 2019

The July 2019 contract settled at: 11.43 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 68.02 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$368 for October Contract – 2019 season

$386 for 2019 season

$423 for 2020 season

$438 for 2021 season

$438 for 2022 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.

Daily Sugar Price – 8th August 2019

Thursday, 8 August 2019

The July 2019 contract settled at: 11.34 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 67.57 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$366 for October Contract – 2019 season

$384 for 2019 season

$423 for 2020 season

$440 for 2021 season

$441 for 2022 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.

Collectives Sign Memorandum of Understanding


Today representatives of KCGO, PCGO and ICGO took the first step of signalling their intentions to investigate the willingness and ability to achieve a single grower organisation by executing a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU). Copy of this non legally binding document is attached for members information.

Collective managers will now turn their attention to development of a framework for a draft Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA), identify issues to be addressed, areas upon which consensus can be reached as well as contentious matters identified that require further development. It is proposed that KCGO will hold a grower information and report back meeting in early/mid-September with a combined collectives grower information session by 30th September in accordance with MOU.

If members have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Collectives MOU