Representatives from BDCG were given the opportunity to address the senate committee for enquiry into “Identification of leading practices in ensuring evidence based regulation of farm practices that impact water quality outcomes in the Great Barrier Reef” in Brisbane on Monday of this week in support of submission that was lodged in November 2019.

BDCG highlighted a number of issues:

• that members take their environmental stewardship responsibilities very seriously including the health of the GBR
• growers consider themselves to be the caretakers of the land
• due to high input costs, reducing margins, lower prices etc. farmers can ill afford to unnecessarily apply fertiliser and chemicals beyond crop requirements
• financial cost to agriculture to meet state government introduced regulations
• integrity and reliability of the reef science on which legislation and funding decisions are made on
• damming findings from recent CCC review of 3 Qld universities looking at “reducing the risk of research fraud”
• group of international scientists unable to obtain consistent results from repeated experiments of 8 JCU studies confirming that a “replication crisis” exists
• organisation members being fully supportive of an independent authority as suggested by Dr Ridd to “check the science” on which government policy and funding decisions are made and
• calling upon the Federal Government to set aside a nominal amount of funding for this purpose.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Daily Sugar Price

Thursday, 30 July 2020

The October 2020 contract settled at: 12.01 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 71.88 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

* $366 for Oct Contract – 2020 season

$374 for 2020 season
$374 for 2021 season
$370 for 2022 season
$363 for 2023 season

The 2020 Target Price Contract reflects a whole-of-season weighted average in a 3:2:1 ratio across the remaining three contracts.

For Growers who have chosen to roll 2020 – Season exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be inclusive of roll costs incurred currently $0.58.

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited
Information sourced from QSL



Leader of the Opposition, Deb Frecklington, together with Member for Burdekin, Dale Last MP were in the Burdekin on Monday 27th July to jointly announce LNP’s water pricing policy. As a representative of the Burdekin’s key industry and given announcement will have a direct impact on our members, KCGO was invited to attend with your Chairman, Robert Malaponte representing our organisation.

Media release and Channel 7 news coverage of event is below.

LNP to slash water prices for Queensland farmers
Monday, July 27, 2020

Water prices paid by farmers will be slashed by almost 20% a year from 1 July 2021 in a major job-boosting election commitment by LNP Leader Deb Frecklington.

Ms Frecklington made the announcement in the Burdekin today as part of her economic plan to stimulate the economy and drag Queensland out of recession.

“A major part of the LNP’s plan to supercharge the regions and unleash industry is through new dams and water infrastructure,” Ms Frecklington said.

“Today we complement our bold dam building plan by slashing water costs for farmers.

“Cheaper water means more secure regional jobs and a near 20% reduction in water costs is a major job-creator for regional Queensland.

“I want Queensland to be Australia’s food bowl and cheaper water costs will be a
catalyst for that.”

Ms Frecklington said the LNP will implement recommendations from the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) to reduce water costs by transitioning SunWater to a regulated asset-based (RAB) approach for financing asset renewals.

The RAB approach recovers costs from customers as incurred yearly rather than attempting to estimate the replacement cost of an asset at the end of its life.

By adopting the QCA’s recommendation to modernise the way Sunwater calculates its asset renewal allowances, as has been done in other states, Sunwater will be more efficient and adopt new technologies. read more

Daily Sugar Price

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The October 2020 contract settled at: 12.01 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 71.58 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

* $367 for Oct Contract – 2020 season

$375 for 2020 season
$374 for 2021 season
$368 for 2022 season
$361 for 2023 season

The 2020 Target Price Contract reflects a whole-of-season weighted average in a 3:2:1 ratio across the remaining three contracts.

For Growers who have chosen to roll 2020 – Season exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be inclusive of roll costs incurred currently $0.58.

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited
Information sourced from QSL

Burdekin Economic Development Strategy & Economic Advisory Group


Burdekin Shire Council has formalised an Economic Advisory Group to enable business and industry to effectively engage and collaborate with Council on economic development matters which are relevant to the local government area. Expressions of interest are now open to persons interested in being a member of the Economic Advisory Group. Further information is available in the following documents.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Economic Advisory Group – Terms of Reference – July 2020

thumbnail of Economic Advisory Group Nomination Form

Daily Sugar Price

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

The October 2020 contract settled at: 12.12 US c/lb

The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 71.49 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

* $371 for Oct Contract – 2020 season

$378 for 2020 season
$375 for 2021 season
$368 for 2022 season
$360 for 2023 season

The 2020 Target Price Contract reflects a whole-of-season weighted average in a 3:2:1 ratio across the remaining three contracts.

For Growers who have chosen to roll 2020 – Season exposure, QSL will gross up their target price to be inclusive of roll costs incurred currently $0.58.

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited
Information sourced from QSL