Monday, 5 June 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

13.71 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

74.30 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$422 for 2017 season

$440 for 2018 season

$447 for 2019 season

$446 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.

Friday, 2 June 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

14.23 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

73.74 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$439 for 2017 season

$455 for 2018 season

$462 for 2019 season

$457 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.

Kalamia Members Notice – Crushing Start Update

Crushing Start Update – 2017

“Wilmar have commenced steam trials and remain on target to have all mills available to start crushing on Tuesday 13 June.

 On Tuesday this week Wilmar completed a survey of all harvest groups’ anticipated start dates. Based on the feedback it seems that mills will be progressively brought online as sufficient cane supply becomes available.

Kalamia is likely to be the first to start on or about June 14.

Invicta and Pioneer will commence crushing as north bank cane supply increases.

Inkerman is likely to be last to start early in the week commencing June 18.

Wilmar will again contact harvest groups on Monday 5 June after which a further update will be provided.

Please ensure you continue to discuss farm field conditions with your contractors.”

Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary

Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd

Kalagro Ltd

140 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807

PO Box 597 Ayr Qld 4807

Tel:  07 4783 1312  Fax: 07 4783 3885

Mob: 0447 128 312

Email: [email protected]


Thursday, 1 June 2017

The July 2017 contract settled at:

14.86 US c/b

The Australian Dollar currently trades at:

74.30 US cents.

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

$454 for 2017 season

$468 for 2018 season

$472 for 2019 season

$465 for 2020 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro.