Grower Meeting – Unification Power Point

Grower Meeting Friday, 27th September 2019 – Unification Power Point 


KCGO, PCGO & ICGO held the first of proposed 3 grower information sessions providing an update of the unification concept to achieve a single grower organisation.

Copy of presentation made to members in attendance is attached for your information.

Any growers that have any queries or feedback in relation to presentation please do not hesitate to contact myself.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

PowerPoint Presentation:

thumbnail of PowerPoint Presentation – Grower Meeting – 27 September 2019 – MK edits

(click to view full size)

Urgent Notice – Declaration of Fire Ban


Anthony Hazell, Regional Manager, Rural Fire Service has issued notification of Local Fire Ban which includes the Burdekin District.

Please ensure that you adhere to conditions applied to the burning of standing sugar cane as well as burning tops and trash within the exemptions applicable in relation to fire ban, refer attachment for full details.

Ban is in place from 0001 hrs Thursday 12th September to 2359 hrs on Friday 20th September.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of NRFir Ban-12-09-2019

(click to view full size)


KCGO has recently had the opportunity to hold discussions with federal and state politicians in relation to matters of importance to this region and sugar industry that have a direct impact on our members.

On Wednesday 21st August KCGO Chairman Robert Malaponte, Deputy Chairman Robert Zandonadi and myself in conjunction with other members of Burdekin District Cane Growers Ltd had the opportunity to meet with Federal Member for Dawson George Christensen and Minister for Finance Senator Mathias Cormann.

Then on Monday 2nd September with Qld Government holding regional parliament in Townsville, Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Trade Deb Frecklington MP extended an invitation to participate in community deputation sessions with various shadow ministers. Invitation was accepted with the aforementioned KCGO representatives given an opportunity to discuss matters with:

• Leader of the Opposition, Deb Frecklington;
• Shadow Minister for Environment, Science and the GBR, David Crisafulli; and
• Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Tony Perrett

Topics that were raised/discussed at these meetings included:
1. World Sugar Price being negatively impacted by subsidised sugar (predominantly from India);
2. Electricity Prices;
3. Water Prices;
4. The Bill amending the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and checking the science by an independent body such as Office of Science Quality Assurance (OSQA). ;
5. R&D for an alternate use for sugar cane.
6. State Government Sugar Act Code of Conduct
7. Qld Government Stamp Duty applied to Agricultural Insurance

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO