Collectives Sign Memorandum of Understanding


Today representatives of KCGO, PCGO and ICGO took the first step of signalling their intentions to investigate the willingness and ability to achieve a single grower organisation by executing a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU). Copy of this non legally binding document is attached for members information.

Collective managers will now turn their attention to development of a framework for a draft Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA), identify issues to be addressed, areas upon which consensus can be reached as well as contentious matters identified that require further development. It is proposed that KCGO will hold a grower information and report back meeting in early/mid-September with a combined collectives grower information session by 30th September in accordance with MOU.

If members have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of Collectives MOU

BMP Programs – Survey from SRA Next Crop Program


As part of our SRA Next Crop 2019 program, I’m one of several farmers from our sugar industry embarking on a project to address an issue that is going to have an increasing impact across our State. In light of swelling Government legislation aimed at farming practices, we are concerned about the level of uptake of farmers adopting recognised Best Management Practice (BMP).

Our project which will dig deeper into the BMP Programs (such as Smartcane BMP, Bonsucro and Proterra) and initially seek why only a small number of growers in some areas have become accredited, and hope to improve the continued uptake of accreditation. The project may have some crossovers with other programs such a Cane Changer because we want to delve deeper into the minds of Cane Farmers to see what the impediments are, and then assist them down the path to becoming BMP accredited.

Desired outcomes:
1) Improve industry wide farm profitability
2) Underpin our social licence to operate a sustainable and environmentally responsible industry.

The above is just an extract from the Project Plan we have been working on and compiling data and we will seek to engage with industry representatives, collective groups, advisers, millers, marketers, extension officers, and agronomists throughout our industry.

To start off, we are aiming to contact several farmers from each region to gain an understanding of what the perceived impediments and advantages are when becoming a BMP accredited business.

Your assistance would be very much appreciated. Please contact me if you have any queries in relation to our project or you would like further information.

Kindest Regards
Rhonda Pirrone
[email protected]

Any members wishing to participate in survey but would prefer to remain anonymous can forward/deliver survey to this office and KCGO will onforward it to Rhonda Pirrone via our email address.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Best Management Practice BMP Survey

Feralscan – Feral animals Community Surveillance


An interesting web page for community surveillance in helping map feral animal sightings in your area as well as damage caused. Feral animals include, but are not limited to, pigs and deer which are a known issue within the Burdekin Region.

For anyone interested link to web page is:

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Les Elphinstone
Manager / Company Secretary
Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd
Kalagro Ltd
140 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807
PO Box 597 Ayr Qld 4807
Tel: 07 4783 1312
Mob: 0447 128 312
Email: [email protected]

Permanently increasing FHA assets test for farmers

Permanently increasing FHA assets test for farmers

4 July 2019

More farmers will be able to access vital assistance when they are going through tough times, with the Coalition Government today introducing legislation to maintain the net farm asset threshold for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) at $5 million.
Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said the Government was delivering on its election commitment to keep the asset test increase and make the FHA available to more farmers.
“Australian farmers are very resilient, but like everyone else there are times when they need additional support,” Minister McKenzie said.
“The FHA is in place to help farmers facing hardship, particularly during drought, to implement plans to improve long-term financial circumstances and assess their options.
“Last year the Government temporarily increased the cap from $2.6 million to $5 million to support farmers affected by the current drought who were in financial difficulties, but were notionally asset rich.
“The change was temporary, pending the FHA Review, which ultimately recommended making the temporary increase permanent.
“This increase allows farmers to access support without having to jeopardise the income-producing capacity of their farm by selling farm equipment.
“It also recognises that farm assets can be difficult to sell quickly and, during tough times, are often sold for less than they’re worth.
“Increasing the asset threshold to $5 million increases the potential pool of FHA recipients by approximately 8,000 additional farmers.
“The changes introduced today build on the extension of the time farmers and their partners will be able to receive FHA from three to four cumulative years.”
Farmers should not guess at whether they’re eligible for FHA. For eligibility, seek advice from the free Rural Financial Counselling Service on 1800 686 175 or the Department of Human Services Farmer Assistance Hotline on 13 23 16. Any farmers experiencing financial hardship should get in touch with their local Rural Financial Counselling Service who can help work through available options. read more