Sunwater and Lower Burdekin Water Rates and Charges


Dear Members

KCGO has made an approach to both SunWater and Lower Burdekin Water to ascertain assistance available to growers who may be facing financial hardship and not in a position to fully meet their current water charges payable given the current general downturn in the local sugar industry, eg. reduced tonnage and seasonal price unlikely to cover the costs of production.

To date have received a response from Sunwater as follows:

“we wish to advise that SunWater already offers payment plans for customers and irrigators who are presently unable to pay their invoice. While the specifics of the situation vary from customer to customer, any of your members or indeed any of our customers are free to call and talk to our accounts department. We have the facilities to set up interest-free payment plans with entirely reasonable payment schedules, usually whatever the customer can afford. 

If you have individual members who are struggling, we would ask that you encourage them to contact us directly either by email or phone, and we will be happy to make arrangements for them. We understand these are trying times and wish to do what we can to assist.”

Should members be having financial difficulty in meeting water charges please contact Sunwater direct via 13 15 89 or email

Further advices will be posted when a response is received from Lower Burdekin Water.

Les Elphinstone

Manger KCGO



It has been brought to KCGO’s attention by a number of members of their concerns at the increasing damage that is being caused by the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus) to their plant and ratoon sugar cane crops. This would appear not to be restricted to the Kalamia area but is common throughout the district. Situation is being compounded by ever increasing population and the lack of natural predators.

KCGO understands the Purple Swamphens are very difficult to relocate away from crops and culling is more than likely necessary to remove them. BPS have been approached to establish what pest management strategies are available to growers for the Purple Swamphen.

BPS confirmed they are aware Coot damage is significant and over the last 4 years reported crop damage has ranged from 13000 to 5600 tonnes annually.  Last season around 8900 tonnes was reported and recorded by BPS.

BPS have advised these are a protected species and the only way for control under government regulation is to apply for a damage mitigation permit – see attached application form.  Permit application can also be lodged online via If any growers wish to apply for permit and the Department of Environment and Science (DES) require more information on district damage, or a letter of support verifying the damage, please contact BPS who will be willing to assist.

Should growers require assistance in completion of permit application, please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO

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Water Quality Improvement Regional Forum


Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries will be hosting a regional forum to be held in Townsville at Rydges Southbank on 12th and 13th November to share information and options for treatment systems for water quality improvement and how these systems can be utilised to achieve sediment, nutrient and pesticide reductions.

Any members interested in attending, please refer attached agenda for further information.

Members wishing to attend need to RSVP to Carla Wegscheidl (details below) by Tuesday 30 October as well as advise of any dietary requirements (gluten free etc.).

Carla Wegscheidl

Project Leader (Wetlands Extension)

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

9-15 Langton Street, Garbutt QLD 4814

Office 3330 4511

Mobile 0429212752

Email [email protected]

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO


thumbnail of Townsville Forum agenda_final draft

(click to view full size)

Land Restoration Fund – Grant Program


The Queensland Government’s $500 million Land Restoration Fund aims to expand carbon farming in the state by supporting land-sector projects that deliver clear environmental and economic co-benefits.

Carbon farming refers to land management activities that reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere. This can be achieved by planting trees, protecting native forest by reducing land clearing, managing bushfires through savanna burning and changing farming practices to increase soil carbon.

There are currently a number of grant programs available for landowners to undertake environmental planting and riparian restoration projects. For any growers interested or require further information please refer to the below link.

Applications for the current round of funding close 5pm, Friday 23rd November 2018.

Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGO