KCGO Members Notice – Reminder

KCGO Members Notice – Reminder

The KCGO Office is closed from 4.30pm

Friday, 20th December 2019

& Re-open

Monday, 6th January 2020



Kalagro customers – Fuel Pre-orders are required to be placed at the KCGO office

by Friday, 20th December for the following Delivery Dates over the Christmas period office closure.

Monday, 23rd December

Friday, 27th December

Monday, 30th December

Friday, 3rd January

Monday, 6th January


KCGO Directors, Les, Jacki, Narelle & Annmaree would like to wish our valued members a 

Very Merry Christmas A Happy & Safe New Year!!



Since our last grower information update that was held on Thursday 31st October the 3 collectives have been unable to reach agreement/common ground on a couple of issues, mainly levy options and asset contribution which has currently delayed proceedings. Representatives from the combined collectives held a meeting last Thursday in an effort to establish whether there remained a commitment to the unification concept. This was reaffirmed during the meeting however directors came to the realisation that new unified entity structure is unlikely to be in place prior to the commencement of the 2020 season.

The board of KCGO has also previously expressed a strong desire for involvement of 3rd party consultant to overview the unification concept to ensure all aspects are addressed as well as to include recommendations of issues/options that may not have been fully addressed. Discussions have taken place with two organisations, with a quote provided based on initial scope of works. Consultancy quote is quite expensive and further discussions in the new year are required in order to negotiate reduction in price/scope of works.

At this point and with office closures for 2 weeks over the Xmas/New Year period a further combined collective grower meeting will not take place this year, with end of January or February to be a more likely scenario. Whilst acknowledging the initial timeline provided to members with “new entity” to be formed by 1 April 2020 in readiness for 2020 season, a greater emphasis is being placed more on “getting it right the first time” rather than meeting a time constraint/deadline.

There were a number of topics raised at last grower meeting including but not limited to, the cap/no cap methodology, request for a more detailed costing of budget expenses, delay in signing memorandum of agreement until full unification concept details have been put to growers to enable “poll” to be conducted. At the end of the day it is not KCGO board’s decision to proceed with unification, it will and always has been your board’s intention that ultimately it will be KCGO members who make the final decision. read more

QLD Government Rural Water Management Program


BDCG has lodged a submission on behalf of KCGO, PCGO and ICGO in response to the consultation paper in relation to the above opposing that the Burdekin not be included in the proposed water measurement framework.

For any members interested the consultation paper can be accessed by Click here.

The matter has also been discussed with a representative from Lower Burdekin Water who confirmed that there will be no impact on their ratepayers given there is no Water Allocations or Licenses attached to supply of water.

Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

thumbnail of ltr – DNRME – Rural Water Management Program – 13 December 2019

(click to view full size)