QSL Study Tour – Japan

Good afternoon

QSL  is looking at hosting a study tour to Japan in May this year. The tour is open to all growers (and their partners).

We are calling for expressions of interest to attend, with spaces allocated on a first -in-first served basis.

You can find a flyer with the information here.

I have emailed to all Growers this afternoon but feel free to forward this link to your members.



Carla Keith Industry Relationship Manager Mobile +61 409 372 305 [email protected] www.qsl.com.au

QSL Advances rate increased

QSL Advances rate increased

QSL’s Standard Advances rate for February 2018 has been lifted to 85%. The QSL Board today raised QSL’s previously scheduled February Advances rate increase of 2.5% to 5% to help offset the impact of recent low world sugar prices.  The increase will come into effect next Wednesday 21 February 2018, with QSL paying Millers on this date and funds dispersed to growers as per the usual local payment arrangements. QSL’s direct payments to Wilmar Growers will be made on Thursday 22 February 2018. Wilmar Growers should note that values generated within the QSL Cashflow Forecast Tool now reflect the updated February Advances rate.   For further information about QSL’s indicative Advances schedule, please click here.QS


With cyclone season upon us Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged is seeking local assistance. Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged in Ayr has a backup generator to fully supply electricity needs in the event of natural disaster e.g. cyclone.  They have learned from Cyclone Debbie the experience in Bowen that power restoration was a slow thing and accessing a supply of diesel was even slower.  If the home suffers a power loss they have the ability to maintain emergency power for approximately 24 hours, after that they will require diesel.  This meets their requirements in most events but if there is undue delay then they will lose power to what is now an essential service.

Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged is a not for profit organisation and resourcing diesel storage is not a viable option since it can’t be used elsewhere within the facility.

Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged would like to have ‘diesel angels’ they can call upon to leave a field trailer/s at the home during a prolonged emergency eg. cyclone.  Home would pay for diesel utilised during outage and this would allow them to keep the lights on/services running.

If anyone is interested in assisting the Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged in this regard please contact Jim Collins, General Manager. Contact details are:

Mobile: 0407 219 420

Phone: 07 4783 0100

QCA – Regulated Retail Electricity Prices – Consultation workshops

Regulated Retail Electricity Prices – Consultation workshops
The QCA will hold consultation workshops for our review of regulated retail electricity prices to apply in regional Queensland for 2018–19.

Subject to sufficient stakeholder interest we plan to hold workshops in:

  • Bundaberg
  • Cairns
  • Cloncurry
  • Emerald
  • Mackay
  • Mount Isa
  • Rockhampton
  • Toowoomba
  • Townsville
  • Brisbane
  • and other locations, subject to stakeholder interest.

Workshops are currently planned to take place from 12-23 March 2018.

You can register your interest on our website.

You can find out more about our 2018-19 price determination process, including our interim consultation notice and submissions received, on our website.