Wilmar Daily Loading Advice

Loading Advice Monday, 19th July 2021

INVICTA – 20 280

KALAMIA – 8 414

PIONEER – 13 271

INKERMAN – 7 945

TOTAL – 48 438


Good morning all,

Inkerman experienced some issues overnight and is currently stopped from a bagasse system choke. They are still investigating but a rake of very high fibre with high mud levels choked #1A mill and stalled the pressure feeders last night which took about 4 hours to clear. This then may have led to poor quality feed to the boiler which contributed to the stop early this morning. Planned restart is by 10am today

Invicta  recovered well from their stop yesterday. Loading is down a bit due to the late zero hour

Kalamia and Pioneer are crushing well. Kalamia loading is down today to pull up at 3am for the clean

Kind regards,

John Tait

Cane Supply Manager

Wilmar Daily Loading Advice

Loading Advice Friday, 16th July 2021

INVICTA – 18 989

KALAMIA – 9 789

PIONEER – 7 894

INKERMAN – 9 190

TOTAL – 45 862


Good morning all,

Inkerman mill will be shutting down this morning after zero hour to repair leaking tubes in the superheater. There will be no harvesting at Inkerman today apart from the last day cutters. At shutdown we will have about 5,500 tonnes in bins and 6,000 tonnes burnt. The logistics team will notify harvesters regarding arrangements for tomorrow.

Pioneer restarted last night after their extended stop and crushing well.

Kalamia rate is still slow as they head towards their clean

Invicta still crushing at a steady rate

Kind regards,

 John Tait

Cane Supply Manager