Queensland Farmers Federation Reef Champion Awards

QLD FARMERS FEDERATION REEF CHAMPION AWARDS In 2018, the International Year of the Reef, the Reef Champion Awards, an initiative of the Reef Alliance, recognise and celebrate the achievements and efforts of outstanding individuals and organisations who have taken action to improve the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef.

Entrants in all categories (except the Prince of Wales, Community and Youth

Awards) must have participated in an Australian Government or Queensland Government program in the last five years.


STL – Nomination of Industry Director

STL – Notification of upcoming nomination of Industry Director 

Dear Shareholder The purpose of this email to G Class shareholders of Sugar Terminals Limited (STL) is to provide notification of the retirement of a Grower Director at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and to invite nominations from G Class shareholders to fill the vacancy. After nine years as a Grower Director, Mr Con Christofides will retire at the AGM in accordance with the Constitution and is not eligible for re-election. The AGM will be held on Wednesday, 24 October 2018, commencing at 10am at the office of Clayton Utz, Level 28, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane. The Annual Report and a formal Notice of Meeting will be sent to shareholders in September.
Nomination of Industry Director The STL Board hereby invites nominations from G Class shareholders for candidates for election as a Grower Director. To make a valid nomination, STL must receive:

a notice in writing:

  • nominating a person for election as a Director and
  • signed by a member who is entitled to attend the AGM and vote on the election; and

a notice in writing:

  • signed by the person nominated, advising of his or her willingness to be appointed as Director.

a Member Status Declaration signed by the nominating member.

These documents must be received by STL no later than 5.00 pm on Tuesday 4 September 2018. All valid nominations will be listed in the Notice of Meeting for the AGM. Please forward with each nomination a brief summary of relevant experience and expertise to be included on the ballot papers (maximum of 50 words).
On behalf of the Directors of Sugar Terminals Limited Peter Bolton CFO and Company Secretary



Large Customer Adjustment Program

Applications are now open for Phase 2 of the Large Customer Adjustment Program. Closing date for applications is 7 September 2018.

This program provides assistance to large electricity customers in regional Queensland who are currently on transitional and obsolete electricity tariffs.

For further information, please click on link below:


NQ Agricultural Market & Supply Chain Study


Interesting study being undertaken by TEL and North Qld Regional Organisation of Councils of agriculture potential in NQ to meet international market demands. May be opportunity in future alternate cropping for sugar cane growers when consultants reports/findings are handed down within the next 12 months. Link to study is attached for members information.


Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGOL

Connecting Canefarmers

Connecting Canefarmers

BBIFMAC are currently undertaking trials on a number of farms in the Lillesmere Lagoon Region to determine water quality and nitrogen runoff under their “Connecting Cane Farmers To Local Wetlands Project”. The aspect of water quality was the subject of much discussion at recent KCGOL AGM. A member participating in trial has provided progress report in relation to his farm results and impact on Lillesmere Lagoon for growers who may be interested.

Report is attached.

Les Elphinstone

KCGOL Manager

thumbnail of Connecting Canefarmers – June

(click to view full size)