Large Customer Adjustment Program

Applications are now open for Phase 2 of the Large Customer Adjustment Program. Closing date for applications is 7 September 2018.

This program provides assistance to large electricity customers in regional Queensland who are currently on transitional and obsolete electricity tariffs.

For further information, please click on link below:


NQ Agricultural Market & Supply Chain Study


Interesting study being undertaken by TEL and North Qld Regional Organisation of Councils of agriculture potential in NQ to meet international market demands. May be opportunity in future alternate cropping for sugar cane growers when consultants reports/findings are handed down within the next 12 months. Link to study is attached for members information.


Les Elphinstone

Manager KCGOL

Connecting Canefarmers

Connecting Canefarmers

BBIFMAC are currently undertaking trials on a number of farms in the Lillesmere Lagoon Region to determine water quality and nitrogen runoff under their “Connecting Cane Farmers To Local Wetlands Project”. The aspect of water quality was the subject of much discussion at recent KCGOL AGM. A member participating in trial has provided progress report in relation to his farm results and impact on Lillesmere Lagoon for growers who may be interested.

Report is attached.

Les Elphinstone

KCGOL Manager

thumbnail of Connecting Canefarmers – June

(click to view full size)


Grower members

KCGOL forwarded an email to members on 11th May indicating that SRA were proposing changes to its constitution at their Annual General Meeting in October 2018 with a discussion paper to be released beforehand.

KCGOL directors have since met with SRA board who confirmed it has not invested in the development of a Trade and Market Access Strategy but has agreed in principal to consider investing in “economic modelling” which is entirely consistent with Clause 5.1 of their Constitution and the definition of Research and Development. Commonwealth Officers have also confirmed that an investment in econometric modelling to underpin an industry Trade and Market Access Strategy is not “inconsistent with Rule 6 of the SRA Constitution”.

SRA board has categorically stated “proposed amendments to the Constitution have nothing to do with providing funding to ASA but are to allow SRA to make more flexible investment decisions”.

Voting on proposed changes to the Constitution

For growers to vote on the proposed amendments to the SRA Constitution, you will need to be a member of SRA – not just paying the compulsory SRA levy.  Membership is not compulsory, only payment of the levy. KCGOL has identified members who are not an existing member of SRA and has previously forwarded a separate email attaching Membership Application Form should grower wish to have voting rights.

“SRA Enhancements To The Constitution” discussion paper is now attached as well as link to SRA Constitution, https://sugarresearch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/CURRENT-SRA-Constitution.pdf

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.

Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary

thumbnail of Enhancements to SRA Constitution

Member Notice – Puma Product Brochures

****Puma Product Brochures and Ordering Information****

Currently Kalagro Limited proudly offer discounted fuel for KCGO members and non-members. 

We are happy to announce that our supplier,  Puma Energy can now deliver their range of lubricants and grease products with your fuel orders. 

Below, the Puma range is attached to view for your information. 

**Puma Lubricants Introduction** 

thumbnail of PUM4416 – General brochure

**Puma Grease Range**

thumbnail of PUM4161 – Grease Brochure

**Puma Lubricants Catalogue**

thumbnail of PUMG124395 PUMA Lubricants Catalogue 2017

(click to view full size)

Please Note:  Puma range monthly specials will also be posted to the Kalagro Website when available. 

Please contact the Kalamia Cane Growers office staff to order these products with your next fuel delivery or inquiries regarding prices and further information.


Regional Variety Committe Meeting Outcome


I refer to my magazine article in our April issue of “What A Sweet Life” of Regional Variety Committee meeting held in April and decisions made in relation to varieties that were considered for either release to productivity board, accelerated to maxprop and clones for possible acceleration. There were two varieties, KQ08-2180 and QA10-1130, whereby decision was delayed pending updated smut rating test which became available this month and was the subject of meeting held on the 21st.

Outcome of RVC meeting was as follows:


Recapping this variety had an intermediate-susceptible smut rating in laboratory tests, however minimal evidence in field conditions. Tonnage above and CCS slightly less than the standard varieties. New smut rating of 6 (previous rating was an 8) was released in June 2018 confirming variety remains intermediate-susceptible and within regional thresholds. This variety has been planted in three BPS trials in the Upper Haughton, Iona and Aerodrome area. In the Upper Haughton trial, the TSH for KQ08-2180 was better than Q240, SRA8, and Q183. In the Iona trial, Q232  and Q240 performed better than the KQ08-2180. The Aerodrome trial was variable. No smut was observed in strip trials or BPS propagation plots– this clone was planted next to SRA8 which was heavily infected with smut. There was considerable discussion regarding the difference between observed field expression of smut in the Burdekin and the results of SRA trials. Consistent reports of strip trials and field observations were made with considerable smut infection in some varieties planted directly adjacent to this clone, with KQ08-2180 demonstrating little smut infection.

Decision: KQ08-2180 limited release with full disclosure on its smut status and the risk of smut. BPS have been requested to ensure at point of release (2020), that full information for this clone be presented to growers including TCH, CCS & TSH, compared against current standards as well as and in particular, the smut history and smut risk of KQ08-2180. read more

NQ Dry Tropics Project

A Recent Article By NQ Dry Tropics

 A project supporting Burdekin cane growers to reduce fertiliser use without affecting yield has so far prevented 116 tonnes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from entering waterways and impacting the Great Barrier Reef. A high level of DIN in water has been linked to outbreaks of crown of thorns starfish on the Reef, and also provides ideal conditions for weeds to thrive in rivers and wetlands, which reduces habitat for native fish and migratory birds. The reduction in fertiliser rates was achieved by 16 local growers who signed up to the pilot round of the Burdekin Tender project. The three-year project is funded by the Australian Government’s $225 million Reef Trust.

Under the project, growers proposed trialling ways to reduce fertiliser use – and put a price on the cost of making the change. Trials included matching fertiliser inputs to crop requirements and using technology to only apply fertiliser precisely where it is needed. The results from years one and two of the project were showcased at an event held at a cane property in Clare last week, attended by more than 30 local growers.

Grower Heath Salter from Clare who took part in the pilot round said, “We have reduced the amount of nitrogen applied on our farm by 20kg per hectare, whilst maintaining yield and saving money on fertiliser.”

NQ Dry Tropics’ Sugarcane Team Leader Luke Malan expressed pride at all of the growers’ achievements. “They still have another six months to go so we will see even better results by the end,” Mr Malan said. “What we didn’t expect is that these growers have pushed the limits of what is possible by going beyond their contracted reductions in fertiliser use without reducing their yield.”

“We now have an additional 25 Burdekin growers signed up to the project across a further two tender rounds that have been running since the pilot round launched in 2016. NQ Dry Tropics has worked closely with growers to develop tender applications and nutrient management plans. Extension partners Farmacist and Burdekin Productivity Services provide support to deliver and monitor the projects”, he said. read more