ERGON ENERGY – Drought Declaration and Revocation announcement by QLD Government.

Additional information has been supplied by Ergon Energy in relation to drought assistance in the form of waived charges and their process going forward as a result of drought revocation. KCGOL is in the process of corresponding with local member, Dale Last as well as Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries requesting a meeting to discuss implications to our members of “revocation” and other cost issues of importance currently facing the sugar industry.

“Good morning members,

On 17 May 2018, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, the Hon. Mark Furner, announced that the Government had accepted the recommendations of local drought committees and revoked the drought status of parts of north Queensland, the north Burnett and south-east Queensland. 

Ergon Energy Retail supports local farmers through the offer of waived charges and deferred payments for those customers living in drought declared areas. 

As the Minister has revoked certain areas from drought, waived charges and deferred payment arrangements currently offered to customers in those areas are no longer applicable. Consequently, Ergon Energy Retail would like to outline what steps we are taking to support your members (and our customers) in relation to account or tariff changes they may need to make as a result of the Minister’s announcement last week. 

We will be writing to impacted customers as soon as possible, to advise the following: 

The effective date for drought revocation is 17 May 2018; the date of the Ministerial announcement. 

  • Tariff changes will be effective from the customer’s next meter read date post 17 May 2018. 
  • Ergon Energy Retail will provide customers 20 working days from the date of the letter to advise us if they do not wish to change back to their previous tariff. 
  • If we do not receive advice from the customer, we will change the customer’s tariff at the next meter read date post 17 May 2018 to the tariff that was in place before drought relief arrangements were applied. 
  • The letter will set out the customer’s current tariff and their tariff prior to the drought declaration. To assist customers with making a tariff decision, a flyer outlining the components of relevant tariffs will be provided as well as a link to our website.
  • Payment arrangements will be made available to customers to support their transition to regular bill payment cycles and charges.  

Of course, your members are welcome to contact us on 1300 135 210 from 7am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday or email [email protected] to discuss their account and energy management needs. If you, as members of the EQL Agricultural Forum, need further information please do not hesitate to contact our General Manager Customer Care & Revenue Assurance, Greg Nielsen, on 0419 711 508 at any time.   read more



I refer to article posted to our webpage on 30th May. SRA has now provided further context in relation to provision of information which is appended below.

As previously mentioned should growers not wish for their farming information to be divulged by Wilmar to BPS and/or SRA you have 30 days from date of letter to inform Wilmar accordingly in writing. Alternatively you may wish to contact this office whereby KCGOL will forward a bulk email on behalf of those members who do not wish their information to be provided.

Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary

thumbnail of Response to Wilmar Letter re DLA KCG 310518

Kalamia Members Notice – Drought Declaration Lifted

Kalamia Members Notice – Drought Declaration Lifted

Dear member

You may have read/heard in the media that yesterday Agricultural Industry Development Minister, Mark Furner, revoked a number of shire drought declarations, of which Burdekin Shire was one. This was based on recommendations put forward by local drought committees. This will have a direct financial impact on members who have taken advantage of Ergon Energy’s Drought Relief Assistance which will now no longer be available. Accordingly growers will now need to reassess the most appropriate tariff that meets their current farming practices. Links to current Agricultural and Small Business Tariffs follow:

Members who decide to make a tariff change, please call Ergon Energy on 13 10 46 (7am – 6.30pm, Mon – Fri). The following prompts will need to be provided.

  • Option 1
  • Quote Ergon Energy account number
  • Advise user type as “business”
  • Option 6
  • Option 1
  • Ergon staff member then will assist with your requirements

Steve Attard of AgriTech Solutions offers an advisory/consultancy service to assist growers in determining the most suitable tariff based on current farming operations. Aspects AgriTech take into consideration include:

Tariffs Current and Proposed

  • How this may impact on your business
  • Pump and pumping costs
  • Basics of minimising energy losses
  • Irrigation management
  • How irrigation management impacts upon energy cost

If anyone is interested in discussing their current power situation with Steve, he may be contacted on mobile 0418 155 844.

If members require any assistance, as always please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Les Elphinstone

Manager / Company Secretary

Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd

Kalagro Ltd

140 Young Street Ayr Qld 4807

PO Box 597 Ayr Qld 4807

Tel:  07 4783 1312 

Mob: 0447 128 312

Email: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: This e-mail and any attachments to it (the ‘Communication’) is confidential and is for the use only of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of the Communication, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete the Communication, and do not read, copy, print, retransmit, store or act in reliance on the Communication. We do not guarantee the integrity of the Communication, or that it is free from errors, viruses or interference. read more

SRA Information for Members

SRA Information for Members

Grower members,

Change to SRA Constitution and Investment

It has come to KCGOL’s attention that SRA board meeting held recently indicated that SRA may, at their AGM in October 2018, seek to change the Constitution in order to provide more flexible investment decisions to be made.  In particular, Australian Sugar Industry Alliance (ASMC and CANEGROWERS founding members) has sought SRA to invest in the area of trade policy and market access.  SRA has agreed to the proposition subject to some conditions.

Issues pertaining to trade policy and market access are currently outside of the objectives of SRA – which are set out in rule 5.1(a) of the Constitution –

            “Delivering cost effective Research and Development services to the Australian sugar industry to enhance its viability, competitiveness and sustainability”.

SRA have indicated that the proposed amendments will be incorporated in a discussion paper for feedback prior to being presented at the SRA AGM in October 2018.

Issue – Should SRA spend limited resources on Trade Policy and Market Access, or focus on its core business of Research and Development including propagation of varieties of cane, pests and diseases etc? What will be the impact on growers?

Voting on proposed changes to the Constitution

For growers to vote on the proposed amendments to the SRA Constitution, you will need to be a member of SRA – not just paying the compulsory SRA levy.  Membership is not compulsory, only payment of the levy.

If you are not an existing member of SRA, KCGOL recommends that you complete the attached Membership Application Form and drop it in to the office whereby form will be submitted to SRA on your behalf.

Not sure whether you are an existing member of SRA, please let KCGOL know and we will make enquiries with SRA on your behalf.

Once the discussion paper has been released by SRA, it will be posted to our webpage.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries. read more

Fire Permits – 2018 Season

A reminder to all members of the need to complete their annual  “Application For Permit To Light Fire” prior to season commencement. Application form and explanatory notes are attached.

Application for a ‘Permit to Light Fire’ is made through your local fire warden. If unsure of your fire warden contact details they can be located via the “Fire Warden Finder” by using the following link After receipt of your application the fire warden may impose conditions on a permit to reduce unwanted risk or nuisance to other people, property or to the environment. The fire warden may refuse to issue a permit if they believe that appropriate safety measures cannot be reasonably achieved.

It is also a timely reminder of the importance of providing a safe working environment on farms not only for growers but contractors and employees alike. Some, but certainly not limited to, thought provoking questions/safety behaviours that should be given consideration when undertaking such a task as a sugar cane burn could include:

  1. Who is in charge and will monitor/have overall control during the burn.
  2. Those involved deemed to be competent, are wearing the appropriate PPE and clearly understand their role during the burn
  3. Burning start points, location of individuals, wind direction, direction of the burn, designated escape routes in an emergency.
  4. Method of communication for individuals during the burn eg. mobile phone.

Having in place set procedures, adequate training and rules around tasks undertaken as part of farming operations is critical in any legal defence should someone be maimed or worse, killed and an action taken against a farmer/contractor for a breach of WH & S legislation.

At the end of the day no one wants to experience or be involved in a workplace incident or injury but nevertheless no one can afford to ignore safe work practice

So let’s all stay safe in 2018

thumbnail of CSO-010-ApplicationPermitLightFire

thumbnail of CSO-010-ExplanatoryNotes

Burdekin Shire Council Feral Pig Workshop

Please find attached a flyer for Burdekin Shire Councils Feral Pig Workshop, to be held on Friday 9th March 2018 at Burdekin PCYC.

This workshop is for all landholders with Feral pig issues especially those pressed for time on the land will appreciate the latest technology in wireless pig traps with Southern Cross Trapping.

Council and Biosecurity Queensland will update the audience on services and obligations of landholders.

Burdekin Productivity Services and Conservation and Wildlife Management Queensland will give landholders options with their knowledge and services and NQ Dry Tropics will give an overview of collaborative NRM in the Burdekin

thumbnail of Feral Pig Workshop Flyer

Olam International – Mungbean Open Day- Sunrice, Brandon.

Olam International is a leading global integrated supply chain manager and processor of agricultural products and food ingredients, supplying various products across 16 platforms to over 12,300 customers worldwide.  With a direct presence in more than 65 countries with sourcing and processing in most major producing countries, Olam has built a global leadership position in many of its businesses. In Australia, we operate in multiple products including cotton, dairy, cocoa, almonds and pulses.  The major shareholder in Olam is Temasek  ( a Singapore state-owned investment company) followed by Mitsubishi Corp and as such, Olam is able to offer financial security to anyone doing business with them.  Olam already has processing and storage facilities on the Darling Downs, but since the demise of Blue Ribbon Group who went into liquidation last year, Olam in conjunction with Sun Rice at Brandon are now offering marketing and processing options for the Burdekin region.  As well as these services, wholesale and retail sales of mungbean planting seed will be available.

Sun Rice at Brandon will be holding an open day from 11:00am to 2:00pm on Thursday 1st March, 2018 (BBQ lunch included) and any growers who are interested in finding out more about Olam’s services are invited to come along. For any further enquires, and to RSVP, please call Leigh Beutel on 0428 155 539.


With cyclone season upon us Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged is seeking local assistance. Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged in Ayr has a backup generator to fully supply electricity needs in the event of natural disaster e.g. cyclone.  They have learned from Cyclone Debbie the experience in Bowen that power restoration was a slow thing and accessing a supply of diesel was even slower.  If the home suffers a power loss they have the ability to maintain emergency power for approximately 24 hours, after that they will require diesel.  This meets their requirements in most events but if there is undue delay then they will lose power to what is now an essential service.

Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged is a not for profit organisation and resourcing diesel storage is not a viable option since it can’t be used elsewhere within the facility.

Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged would like to have ‘diesel angels’ they can call upon to leave a field trailer/s at the home during a prolonged emergency eg. cyclone.  Home would pay for diesel utilised during outage and this would allow them to keep the lights on/services running.

If anyone is interested in assisting the Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged in this regard please contact Jim Collins, General Manager. Contact details are:

Mobile: 0407 219 420

Phone: 07 4783 0100

Queensland Reef Quality Program

“Queensland Reef Quality Program

Growers interested in providing feedback to the Dept of Environment and Science can do so directly as per factsheet or alternatively provide your comments to this office to enable a submission to be lodged on behalf of the collective. Comments are to be provided to this office by Wednesday 14th February.

Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement is considering two options to accelerate improved reef water quality:

  • Option 1 – The current approach – no additional legislation
  • Option 2 – Enhance and broaden reef protection legislation (Option preferred by government)

Summary Of Current Regulations In Relation To Sugarcane in the Burdekin:

  • Growers required to comply with particular farming practices including fertiliser and chemical applications using prescribed methodologies.
    • Calculating and applying the optimum amount of N and P.
    • Mill mud nutrient deductions must be made from bag N and/or P fertiliser application rates.
    Record Keeping – growers are required to keep records of soil tests, use of N and P fertilisers and agricultural chemicals. Soil sampling and analysis – soil sampling regime must align with the minimum regulated method. BMP programs not formally recognised as an alternative means of complying with minimum regulatory standards.

    Summary of Additional Regulations to that currently in place In Relation To Sugarcane (existing) in the Burdekin:

    Stage 1

    • Placement of fertiliser – no ground based broadcast fertiliser application.
    • Calibration – Fertiliser equipment calibrated prior to the season, change of product and crop stage ie. plant and ratoon.
    • Soil Loss Controls – Use of measures that will minimise the release of soil to receiving waters. At least one of the following practices are utilised:
      • A green cane trash blanket,
      • Laser levelling away from watercourses.
      • Recycling pit or constructed wetlands designed to capture run-off.
      Fertiliser re-sellers to keep and produce records of nutrient application advice provided to their clients.

      Stage 2 (to be undertaken within two years of the regulation commencing)

      • In addition to continuance of stage 1 adoption of a nutrient management plan in all reef catchments within two years of commencement of legislation

      With Option 2 growers accredited against BMP or like programs will be deemed as complying with the minimum regulatory standards.”

      thumbnail of Factsheet – Reef Regulations & RIS