Extreme high visibility policing operation commences across Queensland

Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services

The Honourable Mark Ryan

Extreme high visibility policing operation commences across Queensland

  • A permanent extreme high visibility police operation has commenced across Queensland.
  • Operation Victor Unison will involve additional police patrols and community engagements in youth crime hot spot areas.
  • The high-visibility patrols are built on the success of Operation Uniform Theta, which was conducted in key Queensland locations over the Summer school holidays.

Minister for Police, Mark Ryan on Thursday announced a permanent extreme high visibility policing operation has been launched across Queensland to target youth crime and enhance community safety.

Operation Victor Unison will involve police officers conducting high-visibility officer patrols in intelligence driven hot spot locations, including public spaces and residential areas.

The boosted patrols are coordinated in addition to day-to-day policing operations, and enable officers to walk through shopping precincts, deploy to hot spot areas, conduct bail checks and engage with young people.

The operation follows the success of Operation Uniform Theta which resulted in the arrests of more than 2,800 people on 6,500 charges and around 23,000 proactive policing activities.
Operation Victor Unison will be conducted across key districts and locations around Queensland.

Quotes attributed to Police Minister Mark Ryan:

“We know that having a high police presence has many benefits in keeping our communities safe,” Minister Ryan said.

“Having extra police out on patrol has a strong deterrence factor and sends a clear message to would-be offenders.

“It is also about enabling business owners and community members to speak with their local police about issues affecting their area.

“The extra patrols are over and above normal calls for service and everyday policing operations in areas where they are needed most.

“The community can expect to see extra police out on the beat in their local communities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper:

“Everyone in our community values the amazing work the Queensland Police Service does to keep us safe.

“Having these additional permanent high visibility patrols able to be deployed wherever police need, will help keep our community safe which is paramount.”

“The feedback I’ve received from local businesses whenever the police have done similar patrols has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Mundingburra Les Walker:

“These permanent high-visibility patrols are an additional tool to help keep the community safe.

“No amount of crime is acceptable and we will tackle this issue from all angles.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Townsville Scott Stewart:

“As a government we continue to back our police with the resources they need to keep our community safe.

“We want to attack both the causes of crime and crime itself which is why these high visibility patrols are important.”

Quotes attributed to Acting Deputy Commissioner Mark Wheeler:

“The Queensland Police Service has received very positive feedback from business owners, retail staff and local community members about our high visibility policing during Operation Uniform Theta,” Acting Deputy Commissioner Wheeler said.

“We are pleased to roll out extra high visibility patrols in hotspots across the State as part of this new expanded operation.

“This ‘boots-on-the-ground style’ operation will see officers in marked police vehicles patrolling streets, walking through shopping centres, retail and restaurant precincts, stop in at service stations and really engage with the community.”

Additional information:
The extreme high visibility patrols are part of a suite of measures announced by the Palaszczuk Government to combat youth crime, including an expanded State Flying Squad to focus on youth crime issues, and the youth co-responder program expanded across the state and several other initiatives.

Operation Victor Unison commenced on March 1.

Media contacts 
Minister Ryan’s Office:                                                      Ph: (07) 3035 8300
Police Media:                                                                     Ph: (07) 3015 2444

2023 Seed Cane Orders – BPS – REMINDER – Orders required by the 28th of February 2023

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2023,

BPS staff are very busy at the moment, and we are prioritising RSD sampling at distribution plots, so staff availability is limited for the first few hours of the day (this is the only time we can pump xylem sap for RSD sampling). After around 10am, most staff should be available. We are also finalising collection of crop data for the 2022 season to record trends and incidence of pest and disease incursion so we can asssit the local industry as best as possible.

One very important part of this process is collection of seed cane orders. A seed cane order form can be found at this link 2023 SEEDCANE ORDER.docx

Seed cane orders can only be guaranteed if they are submitted by 28th February

Please complete the form, or call your BPS Field Officer to place your order. We will run the same system as last year which means all orders submitted by 28th Feb will have first priority, and if demand exceeds available supply, we will allocate based on Ha of BPS levies paid of those who submitted orders.

Based on orders from prevoius years, and cane available, we anticipate that there should be sufficient supply of all varieties except SRA32 and possibly Q183. There are very limited quantities of SRA32 (around 10 Ha across the whole district), and this will be allocated based on pre orders placed by 28th Feb.

Details of the form are also copied below

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call or discuss with any BPS staff member.


0490 036 329

2023 Seedcane Order Form





To ensure adequate allocation of clean cane supplies for the 2023 planting season, could you please take the time to fill out and return the above order form to your BPS field officer as soon as possible. Orders placed after 28th Feb cannot be guaranteed.


Any enquires please contact your relevant field officer.

Pioneer – Madeline Molino & Jack Edwards

Mobile: 0407 167 159

BPS office: 47831101

Email: [email protected]


Invicta – Joseph Magatelli

Mobile: 0427 372 124

BPS office: 47831101

Email: [email protected]



Inkerman – Wayne Johnstone

Mobile: 0407 960 057

BPS office: 47831101

Email: [email protected]

Kalamia – Eddie Fabbro & Kristine Patti

Mobile: Eddie – 0447 209 152

Kristine – 0427 167 159

BPS office:47831101

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]