Burdekin Region Significant Weather Event – 27/28th January 2020


Burdekin region suffered a significant wet weather event early last week with areas experiencing substantial rainfall within a period of approx. 12 hours ranging from 400-500mm causing water inundation to properties. Indications are that damage from this most recent event is worse than the monsoonal event experienced this time last year.

Members have sought clarification in relation to whether any financial assistance is currently available to assist in this event damage recovery. KCGO board is intending to make representation via local State and Federal members for government funding to assist in the recovery effort. In order to provide a summary of impact on KCGO membership would appreciate if growers could provide a brief description of damage sustained and best guesstimate as to costs to undertake rectification works. KCGO will then provide a summary of examples of damage and combined cost to assist in our local members efforts in making representation to state/federal government (no individual grower/farm details will be provided).

Given that some damage repairs will need to be undertaken as a matter of urgency and possible outcome of representations to government may take a little time it is strongly suggested that members retain photographic evidence of damage sustained as well as copies of invoices/quotes etc in the event that financial assistance is secured.

Damage details to be emailed to [email protected]


Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO

Burdekin Shire Council – Rain Event

Burdekin Shire Council – Rain Event Information

The Burdekin Local Disaster Management Group will be monitoring the weather situation closely overnight. Please refer to the Emergency Dashboard http://disaster.burdekin.qld.gov.au for updates.

Key messaging to remember:
If your property was impacted by flood water this morning, please lodge your details with Council’s Customer Service Centre. This information will give a clear overview of the impact this unprecedented rain event has had. The Local Disaster Management Group will forward data to the District Disaster Management Group and State Disaster Centre.

The Ayr, Home Hill and Kirknie Transfer Stations will remain closed until the facilities can be assessed. Council will advise as soon as possible on Wednesday morning when the facilities will reopen.

Waste collection will occur as normal in the coming days however residents should expect some delays. If you bin was missed, please have your bin out tomorrow (Wednesday) as contractors will be collecting missed areas. If you’re concerned your service has been missed altogether, please don’t hesitate to call Council’s Customer Service Centre on 4783 9800 to lodge a request.
Remember, if it’s flooded, forget it.